Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death

Settlement: $1,040,000

Attorneys: Gene Riddle, Darren Dawson, Alex Riddle

Riddle and Brantley Attorneys Gene Riddle, Darren Dawson, and Alex Riddle settled a wrongful death claim for the maximum amount of available coverage. 

Our client was not married but was survived by three adult children as heirs. He was killed in an auto accident when the defendant crossed the center line and hit him in a head-on collision. Through our investigation of the accident, our attorneys discovered multiple insurance policies which we determined provided coverage. We hired an accident reconstructionist to assist in preserving evidence regarding liability. Once liability was established, we focused on convincing multiple insurance companies to tender their policy limits. As usual, the carriers fought liability and coverage, but through negotiations, we were able to win coverage on all policies and provide his three children with compensation and some form of closure. We recognize that money never replaces the loss of a loved family member.