The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has announced plans to move forward with TIP Project U-5724, a realignment of Central Heights Road in Goldsboro, North Carolina.
The project will involve the taking of private land under the government’s power of eminent domain.
The realignment, which affects Central Heights Rd. at Berkeley Boulevard and the immediate area in Goldsboro, is intended to establish a new or different traffic pattern. These projects are generally planned to increase public safety, decrease travel times, or accommodate a higher volume of traffic.
Affected property owners in Goldsboro should not simply accept the government’s first offer on their property.
“Do not accept an offer from the government to settle without speaking with an eminent domain attorney.”-Gene Riddle, attorney and managing partner, Riddle & Riddle Is your property being taken in Goldsboro? If your property is affected by NCDOT Project U-5724 in Goldsboro or another transportation or utility project, Riddle & Riddle’s eminent domain lawyers may be able to help.