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Yolanda Reyes

Case Manager & Translator
Yolanda Reyes

How I help our clients: My job includes assuring that the client gets the best service possible in keeping the attorneys informed concerning their recovery and obtaining all of their medical records, bills and other information needed to submit their claim to the insurance company. I have over 30 years’ experience.

Why I like working at Riddle & Brantley: I enjoy helping people and at Riddle & Brantley, I can certainly do my best in getting to know the clients and figuring out the best way to help them. I am very proud to be one of their employees because at Riddle & Brantley they strive to help clients that have been injured in car accidents and other injury cases.

What I like to do in my free time: I enjoy spending time with my family, shopping and traveling when I have the opportunity.