The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will spend more than $50 million on Sweeten Creek road improvements in Asheville. The project, which is expected to begin in 2023, is known as Project U-2801A and will widen Sweeten Creek Road (US-25A) from two lanes to four lanes from Hendersonville Rd. (US-25) to Rock Hill Rd. in Asheville.

IMPORTANT: The government will be taking property as part of the Sweeten Creek road widening project. If your property is being taken as part of the Sweeten Creek road improvement project, it is recommended that you speak with an NC eminent domain lawyer today in order to seek maximum compensation.
Don't wait. Call Riddle & Riddle today and let's review your eminent domain case.
For a FREE consultation with an eminent domain attorney handling cases in Asheville, please call 1-800-525-7111 today.
There is no obligation and you only pay attorney fees if we are successful and you receive additional compensation.
Please call 1-800-525-7111 today and let's review your case.
"The government will try to spend as little as possible on taken property. If your property is being taken, you deserve maximum compensation and you deserve justice."
-Gene Riddle, attorney, Riddle & Riddle
Sweeten Creek Widening in Asheville: Project Details
Sweeten Creek Road is a heavily trafficked roadway in Asheville that connects South Asheville with downtown. The two-lane road is seen as an alternative to Hendersonville Rd.
The improvements to Sweeten Creek Rd., which are focused on highway widening, are intended to reduce traffic congestion and improve traffic flow and safety. NCDOT expects the improvements will help support current and future residential and commercial development in the Asheville area.
For more details on the Sweeten Creek widening project, please visit the NCDOT project page.
Separate NCDOT projects in the Asheville area include the I-26 connector.

"My property is being taken. What are my options?"

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to stop the government from taking your property under eminent domain. But you are entitled to "just compensation" under the U.S. Constitution. Our eminent domain lawyers can review your case, advise you on your best legal options, and if you decide to hire us, help you seek maximum compensation for your taken property.
For a FREE, no-obligation consultation with a North Carolina eminent domain lawyer handling Sweeten Creek cases in Asheville, please call 1-800-525-7111 or complete the short form below.
We will evaluate your case for free and advise you on your best legal options. We can even put boots on the ground and visit your property for a more thorough analysis. If you decide to hire us to represent you, we'll fight tirelessly to get you the maximum compensation you deserve for your taken property.
Please call 1-800-525-7111 today and let's review your case. We are ready to listen and share our advice.
We believe Justice Counts for North Carolinians whose property is being taken under eminent domain. Please call 1-800-525-7111 today and let our eminent domain team advise you for free.