Will BartlettPersonal Injury Lawyer

Will Bartlett

Will Bartlett is a personal injury attorney at Riddle & Brantley. Joining the firm in 2024, Will previously served as associate attorney at Breeden Law Office, where he litigated and negotiated settlements in family law.

Proud to serve clients from his hometown of Goldsboro, North Carolina, Will earned his BA in Philosophy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2020, graduating with distinction. He earned his JD from the Campbell University School of Law. He is committed to public service, frequently volunteering at the Wayne County Public Library.

"“I love being able to help clients move forward from a difficult accident. Clients come to us in a time of need, and I’m proud to help them navigate the healing process.”"

-Will Bartlett, Personal Injury Attorney, Riddle & Brantley

When not representing clients, you might find Will playing pickleball, enjoying a mystery novel, or spending time at the ocean in Morehead City. Will is also an animal lover and has a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Mac.