Truck Accident/Wrongful Death
The case involved the tragic death of a family of four killed when a pavement marking company caused traffic to back up on a North Carolina highway.
Chemical Spill
Class action lawsuit for evacuation damages incurred by residents of the Town of Apex following an explosion at a waste management facility.
Personal Injury
The parents of a minor child who suffered permanent, life-altering injuries.
Constitutional Rights Violation Cruel & Unusual Punishment
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Wrongful Death Rear-End Collision
Our client was in a construction zone where the construction company used unsafe and negligent signage and flags to warn of the danger.
Motorcycle Accident
Our client was riding his motorcycle and was hit by a passenger vehicle and suffered serious injuries, including a spinal injury, a leg injury, and internal injuries.
Truck Accident & Workers’ Comp
A 46 year old male was severely injured by a tractor-trailer in a construction zone while working for his employer, a construction company.
Auto Accident
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Workers’ Compensation Settlement
We represented an undocumented immigrant who worked as a welder for a construction company.
Auto Accident
A company truck traveling at an excessive rate of speed crossed the center line of travel and crashed into the Plaintiff head on.
Tractor-Trailer Accident
An 18-wheeler pulled out in front of the vehicle that our client (who was 68 years old) was riding in resulting in a severe collision.
Workers’ Compensation & Truck Accident Settlement
Our valued client was driving a truck for his employer when a dump truck crossed the center line and hit him head-on.
Workers' Compensation Trial & Settlement
After mediation hit an impasse, our attorneys took the case to trial, resulting in post-trial mediation where we secured a $1,700,000 settlement for the injured worker.
Sexual Assault
A young female was sexually assaulted in her home by a man known to her.
Motorcycle Accident
Our client suffered a concussion, laceration, and road rash in a collision when his motorcycle was struck by a vehicle driven by an out-of-state driver.
Auto Accident & Wrongful Death
Our client died when a pickup truck tried to pass her sedan and caused a wreck.
Auto Accident
Our client was seriously injured in an auto accident with a commercial truck, suffering internal injuries and orthopedic injuries.
Wrongful Death
After our client was killed in a tragic auto accident, we secured $1,250,000 on behalf of surviving family members.
Workers’ Compensation
Our client suffered the loss of a hand in a tragic industrial accident.
Motorcycle Accident
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Auto Accident & Wrongful Death
Insurance carriers fought liability and coverage, but we won coverage on all policies and provided loved ones with compensation and some form of closure.
Tractor-Trailer Accident
70 year old male hit head on by a tractor trailer. He suffered severe abdominal injuries.
Car Accident Verdict
Our client was a resident of Florida who was a passenger in a vehicle with a Massachusetts driver, who was involved in a single vehicle collision in North Carolina.
Motorcycle Accident
Our client was riding his motorcycle on a service road in Goldsboro when another driver turned in front of him and hit him.
Auto Accident
Our client was injured in an auto accident and the defendant driver was charged with a DWI. After a long legal process, we settled at mediation for $1,000,000, which included compensation for punitive damages against the impaired driver.
Dog Bite
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Personal Injury
Plaintiff was exiting a stopped vehicle when defendant accidentally shot Plaintiff.
Truck Accident
Our client was riding as a passenger in a truck when he was hit by a work truck that allegedly crossed the center line.
MesotheliomaMass Tort
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Workers’ Compensation
Our client, a 50-year-old employee of a cellular tower company was struck by a falling tree while in the woods scouting locations for cell towers.
Workers’ Compensation
Gene Riddle, a North Carolina workers' comp lawyer at Riddle & Riddle, secured $786,000 for our valued client, who suffered an admittedly compensable disabling injury to the spinal cord while working in law enforcement.
Tractor-Trailer Accident
The client was a passenger in a vehicle side-swiped by a tractor-trailer, destroying the family’s pickup truck.
Auto Accident
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Workers’ Compensation Settlement
An agricultural services worker injured his back carrying heavy objects while on the job.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Riddle & Riddle's workers' comp attorneys in NC secured a significant settlement for an emergency services worker who suffered a compensable back injury while on the job.
School Crosswalk Accident
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Personal Injury & Workers’ Compensation
Our client sustained a compensable injury to his head, neck, back, arms, chest, and shoulders, when a load of lumber was dropped on him by a third party while he was making a delivery in a warehouse.
Auto Accident
Our client was walking near his home when he witnessed two vehicles in the road, and an ambulance and fire truck.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was injured while working when his hands were caught in a piece of logging equipment.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client contracted carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome in arms due to long-term repetitive occupational exposure with employer.
Workers’ Comp & Auto Accident Settlement
Our client was a truck driver who was hit by another tractor-trailer while in a loading dock.
Motorcycle Accident
Our client was riding his motorcycle when an SUV turned left from a side street into client’s path.
Eminent Domain
At mediation, a Riddle & Riddle attorney was able to use owner opinion testimony and information from a local broker to increase the DOT’s offer.
Eminent Domain
On a highway-widening project in eastern North Carolina, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) took roughly 4.1 acres of a 50-acre parcel.
Auto Accident
Through diligent negotiations, our attorneys secured a settlement of $490,000 for a woman who suffered a severe pelvic fracture.
Auto Accident
Our client was the guest passenger in a vehicle when defendant went left of center causing a collision which totaled both vehicles.
Car Accident
Our client was tragically killed in an auto accident. After a lengthy investigation by our investigators, we helped the heirs press for charges against the defendant driver and we were successful.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Riddle & Riddle's workers' comp attorneys in North Carolina secured a $405,000 settlement for a medical personnel worker who suffered a foot injury while on the job.
Workers’ Compensation & Death Benefits
In North Carolina, when a worker is killed in a workplace accident, his widow and children typically are entitled to receive worker’s compensation death benefits.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was a delivery driver who suffered a severe back injury while moving heavy items.
Auto Accident
We successfully represented a woman who was seriously injured in a motor vehicle collision in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.
Federal Tort Claim
In a complicated federal tort claim very similar to claims related to toxic water at Camp Lejeune, we successfully recovered $375,000 for the wife of a U.S. Army Service member.
Tractor-Trailer Accident
We were retained by a woman who was seriously injured in a collision with a tractor-trailer.
Workers’ Compensation & Car Accident Settlement
Our client was a traveling nurse who suffered severe orthopedic injuries in a rollover car accident, including spinal burst fractures, bilateral ankle fractures, knee fractures, cervical stenosis, and radiculopathy.
Uber Accident
Our client was a passenger in an Uber vehicle when another driver ran a stop sign and t-boned the Uber car.
Dram Shop
We successfully represented the family of a young man who died following a motor vehicle collision with an impaired driver.
Life Insurance
Gene Riddle was contacted by the sister of a deceased middle-aged man who had children and grandchildren. The man died in an accident.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
A utility worker suffered twisting foot injury requiring physical therapy, occupational therapy, prosthetic shoe inserts, injections, surgical removal of Morton’s neuroma and pain management.
Auto Accident
We successfully represented a woman who was involved in two collisions within 90 days. Prior to the first collision, she had fallen and injured her shoulder. We argued that both collisions significantly aggravated and exacerbated her pre-existing shoulder injury and were able to resolve both of her auto accident claims for a combined $325,000.
Truck Accident & Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was a passenger in a small commercial truck rear-ended by an 18-wheeler on I-85 near Concord. He suffered a low back injury which led to a disc herniation.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
The NC workers' comp lawyers at Riddle & Riddle secured a settlement for a construction worker who suffered compensable back, elbow and knee injuries when an object fell on him at work.
Workers’ Comp & Auto Accident Settlement
Our client was injured when she was rear-ended while driving on the job.
Motorcycle Accident
Our client was severely injured when he was t-boned by a pickup truck while pulling onto the highway on his motorcycle.
Auto Accident
Our client was cut off by the defendant who failed to stop at a stop sign, causing a collision.
Car Accident
The defendant failed to yield and unexpectedly crossed into the path of our client’s car.
Workers’ Compensation & Auto Accident Settlement
Our client suffered a back injury in an automobile accident while on the job.
Car Accident
The defendant suddenly turned left in front of our client’s oncoming car resulting in a serious collision.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
In May of 2016, our attorneys successfully concluded a settlement of $250,000 in a worker’s compensation claim involving a truck driver who was injured on the job.
Auto Accident
Plaintiff was stopped in a parking lot when defendant driver failed to reduce speed and ran into Plaintiff’s vehicle.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client suffered a low back and shoulder injury after slipping off of a roll off truck bed and falling onto the ground.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
An over-the-road truck driver suffered a serious shoulder injury while operating equipment which caused rotator cuff tear and shoulder dysfunction.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Plaintiff sales worker suffered knee injury in a fall on the job. Plaintiff underwent multiple surgical procedures including total knee replacement.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Plaintiff manufacturing worker suffered an elbow and shoulder injury after a fall at work.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Plaintiff driver suffered severe injuries in a one vehicle trucking accident. Plaintiff suffered multiple fractures requiring reconstructive surgery and an extensive recovery.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was driving a vehicle for work when he suffered a mild head injury in an accident. He suffered chronic debilitating headaches, vertigo, and nausea.
Truck Accident
Without warning, a defendant truck driver rear-ended our client resulting in injuries to his neck, back and left shoulder.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
A mechanic suffered a knee injury with muscle damage in his leg. He was unable to return to full duties and required extensive physical therapy and conservative treatment.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Riddle & Riddle, LLP recently settled a workers' compensation claim for an injured worker in his 30s who suffered a broken ankle and foot in a warehouse incident, where he was hit by a vehicle.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client, the plaintiff, was a healthcare worker who slipped and fell at work, injuring their neck and back. Our client required neck surgery, extensive physical therapy, and pain management.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was a delivery driver who suffered an ankle injury on the job. He underwent multiple surgical procedures, physical therapy, and bracing, as well as pain management.
Workers’ Compensation
Our client, a truck driver, suffered an injury to his neck, back, and shoulder while working.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client, a utility worker, suffered back, hip, and leg injuries while working on a ladder. His injuries required ongoing pain management but surgery was not necessary.
Wrongful Death & Auto Accident
A work van ran through a red light and collided with a vehicle driven by our client, who was 17 weeks pregnant at the time.
Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
Settlement: $178,500
Attorneys: Alex Riddle and Darren Dawson
Our client was deeply impacted after witnessing a family member’s tragic death in a serious auto accident. The emotional distress caused by this traumatic event led to a claim for negligent infliction of emotional distress, which doesn’t include damages for physical injury. This claim is based solely on emotional injuries. After filing suit, attorneys Alex Riddle and Darren Dawson, engaged in settlement negotiations that resulted in a favorable resolution for our client. The case was settled for $178,500, compensating our client for the emotional pain and suffering endured as a result of witnessing this traumatic accident.
Workers’ Comp & Car Accident Settlement
Our client was a factory worker who suffered a compensable back injury after being struck by a car driven by a coworker while walking in the employer’s parking lot.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was a 72-year-old working in administration in a residential care facility.
Drunk Driving Accident
Our client suffered serious injuries when hit by a drunk driver. We located all insurance, recovering $162,000 on her behalf.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Worker died from the injuries he sustained when he was crushed by a tree that fell on him at a logging site in the mountains of North Carolina.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was driving on the job when he suffered severe injuries in a one-vehicle accident.
Car Accident
A 19-year-old driver in a vehicle owned by her father traveled down the wrong side of a highway and struck our client’s vehicle.
Auto Accident
Client’s driver dozed off and ran out of the road, flipping the car and injuring the client.
Auto Accident
Defendant suddenly turned left in front of our client, resulting in a serious collision.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client, a food service worker, suffered a hand injury due to repetitive use of a knife and other hand tools on the job.
Auto Accident
Traveling at a high speed, the at-fault driver lost control of his vehicle, crossed the center line, and struck our client causing serious injuries.
Pedestrian Accident
Our client was crossing the road on foot at a four-way intersection. The defendant failed to stop and struck our client in her left side.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was a laborer who suffered a compensable back injury on the job requiring surgery and pain management.
Auto Accident
The client was a passenger in a vehicle that crossed the center line and hit another vehicle head-on.
Car Accident
Plaintiff was guest passenger in vehicle that was struck head-on when Defendant driver lost control of his vehicle and crossed the center lane.
Workers’ Compensation - Warehouse Injury
A warehouse worker suffered a severe foot contusion due to a forklift accident. X-rays and MRIs did not reveal a fracture.
Slip & Fall
Our client slipped and fell on rainwater after entering the store. As a result of her fall, our client suffered a hip injury requiring surgery, and low back pain.
Workers’ Compensation Settlement
Our client was employed as a retail clerk and her store was robbed at gunpoint by an unknown assailant who threatened her with bodily harm.
Truck Accident
The client was a passenger in a vehicle which collided with a tractor-trailer at the center line of the highway and the client required surgery.
Workers' Compensation
Our attorneys secured a $120,000 settlement for an HVAC technician who suffered a partial amputation to the tip of his dominant thumb.
Slip & Fall Case Settlement
Our client was injured when she slipped and fell in a grocery store. The store denied her claim and claimed there was nothing on the floor that could have caused her to fall.
SSD Lump-Sum Award
Our client hired us in 2017 after trying herself, unsuccessfully, for five years and multiple attempts to receive SSD benefits.
Auto Accident
Plaintiff was rear-ended by a dump truck while waiting to make a left turn. Plaintiff suffered injuries to head, neck, back, chest and legs.
Auto Accident
Another vehicle abruptly changed lanes, causing serious injuries to our client. The insurance carrier paid its full policy limits prior to suit being filed.
Auto Accident
Plaintiff, a commercial airline pilot, was rear-ended while at a stop light by Defendant-driver who failed to reduce speed.
Scooter Accident
Plaintiff was hit while operating a scooter on a highway at night. Plaintiff suffered internal bleeding, broken ribs, and broken legs.
Personal Injury
Plaintiff was bitten by a cat on her right ankle while visiting a residence. The cat had not received shots and Plaintiff suffered injuries and complications from the bite.
Auto Accident
Plaintiff was hit by Defendant who ran stop sign. Plaintiff sustained fractures to the pelvis as well as significant back and neck pain.
Workers’ Compensation Truck Driver
The plaintiff, a commercial delivery driver, sustained knee and hip injuries on the job, resulting in hip bursitis, and an ACL tear in his knee.
Motorcycle Accident
Our client was riding a motorcycle when another vehicle took a left turn in front of him, causing a serious accident.
Animal Attack: Settlement
Our client was at her next door neighbors' home when the neighbor stepped on their cat's tail and the cat bit our client's ankle and foot.
Personal Injury & Burns
Our firm represented a minor child who was seriously burned when a grill caught fire near the child while he was eating at a restaurant with his family.
Auto Accident
Our client was driving himself to the hospital for a collapsed lung and using the inside lane of a four-lane road.
Moped Accident
The client was hit on his moped and then hit again by a second car. Total pre-suit recovery of $100,000 which was an exhaustion of three separate insurance policies.
Auto Accident
Our client was stopped at a red light when he was rear-ended. He had an extensive history of degenerative issues with his lumbar spine, and had previous spinal surgeries including hemilaminectomies and microdiscectomies
Auto Accident
Our client was seriously injured as a passenger in a pickup truck when the driver ran off the road and collided with a tree.
Personal Asset Settlement
Our client was riding his lawnmower cutting grass when he was unexpectedly struck by a large tractor traveling on the roadway.
ClaimLife Insurance
Claim presented for Accidental Life Insurance Benefits. Claim was initially denied stating claimant died of natural causes.
Slip & Fall
Our client was shopping in a major retail store, slipped in vomit and required surgery.
Fire Damages
We represented a homeowner whose home suffered serious damage after a propane delivery man negligently filled a propane tank.
Settlement Personal Injury
Plaintiff was a homeowner hit by a four-foot roll of carpet thrown from a second-floor window while she was walking below.
for High School Student Tased by School Resource Officer
A 14 year old student, defending herself in an altercation with another student, was tased by a Police Officer stationed in the school as a School Resource Officer.
Settlement Personal Injury
Adult male client was a patient at a mental health facility in Goldsboro, NC, when he was alleged to be assaulted by three health care technicians employed by the facility.
Wrongful Death & Auto Accident
Our client and her husband were rear-ended while traveling on the highway.
Auto Accident
Our client was injured in a minor vehicle collision, but the insurance company denied liability immediately after the accident and claimed its insured was not at fault.
Pedestrian Accident
Our client was walking in a parking lot when he was hit by a truck.
Motorcycle Accident
Our client was riding his motorcycle following other traffic while approaching an intersection.
Auto Accident
Both drivers claimed to have the green light. Unfortunately, the officer did not identify any of the witnesses he spoke with at the scene so liability was denied by the insurance carrier for the other driver.
Auto Accident
According to the official police investigation, our client’s unoccupied vehicle was parked on the street in front of his house where it was clipped by a drunk driver, causing minor damage.
Verdict Auto Accident
Defendant driver rear-ended Plaintiff’s vehicle causing Plaintiff to collide with another vehicle in front of him.
ConfidentialBicycle AccidentPolicy Limits
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