Zantac Bladder Cancer Risk

April 24, 2020 | By Riddle & Brantley Accident Injury Lawyers
Zantac Bladder Cancer Risk

Due to detected levels of a probable human carcinogen, NDMA, in prescription and over-the-counter ranitidine medications, taking Zantac may increase your risk of developing bladder cancer. In this post, we’ll examine the potential Zantac bladder cancer risk. Those who have taken brand-name Zantac and developed bladder cancer (or another qualifying cancer), you may be eligible for a Zantac cancer claim for compensation, as well. (for more on other types of cancer potentially linked to Zantac, please review our FAQ page) FEBRUARY 2023 UPDATE: Due to recent developments in the litigation, our firm is no longer accepting Zantac claims. Please stay tuned to our website for the latest information and updates. IMPORTANT: A federal judge recently ruled against lawsuits concerning generic Zantac. At this point, we can only accept cases concerning use of brand-name Zantac OR “mixed” use of brand-name Zantac and generic equivalents. PLEASE NOTE: At this time, the federal MDL has limited the Zantac claims we can accept to bladder, esophageal, stomach, liver, and pancreatic cancers only. We understand that other cancers may be linked, but we are unfortunately unable to assist with these claims at this time due to evidence and recent court rulings. BACKGROUND: NDMA in Zantac The manufacturers of Zantac and other ranitidine products have recalled over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription Zantac and ranitidine because of a newly discovered risk of cancer. A potentially cancerous chemical called NDMA was detected in Zantac in September 2019, and pharmacies have since pulled ranitidine products from their shelves. Many people have taken these heartburn medications for decades, believing they were safe. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and other health organizations warned consumers of the risks of taking Zantac (ranitidine) after they discovered it contained a possible carcinogen called NDMA. NDMA-contaminated Zantac and ranitidine are now potentially associated with various forms of cancer, including bladder cancer.

Does Zantac cause bladder cancer?

Zantac may cause bladder cancer based on research into the effects of elevated NDMA intake. Zantac Bladder Cancer Risk - Riddle & BrantleyZantac contains a chemical called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a substance that has caused cancer in animals. The FDA has cautioned the public about ingesting NDMA.  Although food and water may both be contaminated with NDMA, the known levels of this chemical aren’t enough to cause actual harm. The government in Ontario, Canada previously set 9 nanograms as the safe limit for NDMA ingestion. However, one 150mg tablet of ranitidine (the generic equivalent of Zantac) showed more than 47,000 nanograms of NDMA in urine samples tested during a 2016 study published by Oxford University Press. In the aftermath of these findings and the FDA’s warning on Zantac and ranitidine, many are wondering: “Does Zantac cause bladder cancer?”

Multiple Studies Support Potential Zantac Bladder Cancer Danger

Several studies have connected NDMA – the cancer-causing chemical in contaminated Zantac and ranitidine — with bladder cancer. In a landmark 2004 study, researchers determined that those taking Zantac or another antacid known as Tagamet were at “heightened risk of bladder cancer.” A 2011 study by the government of Ontario, Canada went even further, stating that “An association of cause and effect was attributed to leukemia and cancer of the bladder.” In late 2019, a California man filed a lawsuit claiming that Zantac caused bladder cancer. It is likely that thousands more of these Zantac cancer lawsuits will be filed in the days ahead.

What are the common causes of bladder cancer?

Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the most common form of bladder cancer in people. More than 80,000 people were diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2019, and more than 17,000 people died. By avoiding certain chemicals like NDMA and not smoking you can lower your risk of developing bladder cancer. The common causes of bladder cancer include:
  • Smoking and other tobacco use
  • Certain gene mutations
  • Family history
  • Overexposure to workplace chemicals, including those found in dye, paint, petroleum, and metal
  • Taking chemotherapy drugs
  • Past radiation exposure
  • Chronic irritation of the lining of the bladder
  • Parasitic infections (especially in people who are from or who have traveled to certain areas outside the US)
  • Drinking water contaminated with arsenic
  • Chronic urinary tract infections (UTI)
It is not always clear what causes bladder cancer. Some people with bladder cancer had no obvious risk factors. However, research suggests that NDMA-contaminated Zantac and ranitidine may cause bladder cancer.

What should I do if I took Zantac and now have bladder cancer?

FEBRUARY 2023 UPDATE: Due to recent developments in the litigation, our firm is no longer accepting Zantac claims. Please stay tuned to our website for the latest information and updates. If you have taken brand-name Zantac and developed bladder cancer (or another type of cancer potentially associated with Zantac), you aren’t alone — and you may qualify for a Zantac cancer lawsuit. For a FREE, no-obligation consultation with a Zantac attorney handling bladder cancer claims and claims for other cancers, please call 1-800-525-7111. IMPORTANT: A federal judge recently ruled against lawsuits concerning generic Zantac. At this point, we can only accept cases concerning use of brand-name Zantac OR “mixed” use of brand-name Zantac and generic equivalents. Zantac Bladder Cancer Lawsuit - Riddle & Brantley Zantac LawyersThere are no upfront costs and you won’t pay a dime in attorney fees unless we win financial compensation for you. Individuals across the United States are now taking legal action against pharmaceutical manufacturers for failing to disclose the health risks of their medications. You may qualify for a Zantac lawsuit if you meet the following criteria:
  • Used brand-name Zantac only
  • Suffered from at least one of the following cancers:
    • Bladder cancer
    • Liver cancer
    • Stomach cancer
    • Esophageal cancer
    • Pancreatic cancer
  • Must have used brand-name Zantac after October 1984
  • Must have used brand-name Zantac for a minimum of one year
  • Must have used brand-name Zantac once per week for a minimum of six months
  • Must have been diagnosed with a qualifying cancer within 20 years of last dose
  • Must not have been a smoker in the past 20 years if diagnosed with lung cancer
  • Must be 64 years of age or younger at the time of diagnosis if diagnosed with prostate cancer
Certain other criteria may apply. For a FREE, no-obligation consultation with an experienced Zantac lawsuit attorney, please call 1-800-525-7111. PLEASE NOTE: At this time, the federal MDL has limited the Zantac claims we can accept to bladder, esophageal, stomach, liver, and pancreatic cancers only. We understand that other cancers may be linked, but we are unfortunately unable to assist with these claims at this time due to evidence and recent court rulings. Your health is the number one priority. After talking with your doctor about your health, you may want to contact an attorney. The Zantac lawyers at Riddle & Brantley are ready to help. We have almost 220+ years of service and we are skilled in handling dangerous drug claims. One of our attorneys will be glad to speak with you, answer questions and let you know if we feel you have a claim against one of the manufacturers of Zantac. At Riddle & Brantley, our qualified team of dangerous drug attorneys will asses your individual case. Our evaluation is always free, and we don’t get paid unless you are compensated. FEBRUARY 2023 UPDATE: Due to recent developments in the litigation, our firm is no longer accepting Zantac claims. Please stay tuned to our website for the latest information and updates. Please call us at 1-800-525-7111 or fill out the short form below for a FREE consultation with an experienced Zantac attorney about your potential bladder cancer claim (or claim regarding another type of cancer). To get started on your case and reclaim the damages you suffered, contact us today. Justice Counts for you and your loved ones. The attorneys and staff at Riddle & Brantley are here to help however we can. You don’t have to go through this alone. The medication sold as Zantac (ranitidine) has been connected to high levels of a cancer-causing impurity and has been recalled. If you developed bladder cancer or another form of cancer following long-term use of brand-name Zantac, you could have legal options for compensation. Please call 1- 800-525-7111 or fill out the quick form below. Justice Counts for those diagnosed with bladder cancer or another type of cancer after taking Zantac.   ***Disclaimer: No settlement agreement has been reached in any litigation regarding ranitidine (ZANTAC®), including in the Multidistrict Litigation in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida (case no. 20-MD-2924).