The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) will connect I-26 to US-19/23/70 with an interstate freeway known as the Asheville I-26 connector. Construction is slated to begin in 2021 and total project cost is anticipated at roughly $950 million. The completion date has not been determined.
IMPORTANT: NCDOT will be taking property as part of its Asheville I-26 connector project using its eminent domain powers. Affected property owners are encouraged to contact a North Carolina eminent domain lawyer in order to seek maximum compensation.

If your property is affected, don't wait.
For a FREE consultation with an experienced NC eminent domain lawyer handling Asheville I-26 connector cases, please call 1-800-525-7111 or complete the fast and easy form below.
The consultation is free and you won't pay any attorney fees unless we recover additional financial compensation for you.
Please call 1-800-525-7111 today and let's review your case. The government will try to pay as little as possible for your taken property, and you deserve maximum compensation.
Asheville I-26 Connector: Project Details
The I-26 connector will be a full interstate freeway, complete with a median and accessible only by interchanges. The connector in Asheville will join the existing I-26 freeway, which extends all the way from Charleston, South Carolina to Kingsport, Tennessee.
The I-26 connector project in Asheville is divided into 3 sections:
- Section A: Includes upgrading I-240 and intersections at Brevard Rd., Amboy Rd., and Haywood Rd. The upgraded section will run from the I-26/I-240 interchange with I-40 to the I-250 interchange at Patton Ave, located just west of the French Broad River.
- Section B: Includes building an interstate highway from the Patton Ave. interchange, to run north across the French Broad River. This new interstate will connect with US-19/23/70, located south of Broadway.
- Section C: Includes improvements to interchanges along I-40, including those at Smokey Park Highway, I-25/I-240 and Brevard Rd.
The Asheville I-26 connector improvement project is listed by NCDOT as Project I-2513.

"My Property is Being Taken as Part of This Project. What Can I Do?"
If your property is being taken by the government as part of the I-26 connector project in Asheville NC, you deserve just compensation. This right is protected by the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately there is not much you can do to stop NCDOT from taking your property, but you can fight to ensure you receive fair compensation.
Our experienced NC eminent domain lawyers can help. You should NOT accept the government's first offer and instead let us consult with you to determine the best legal options for pursuing maximum compensation.
For a FREE consultation with an eminent domain attorney concerning property being taken as part of the Asheville I-26 connector project, please call 1-800-525-7111.
There is absolutely no obligation, and there are no attorney fees unless we secure additional compensation for you.
Please call 1-800-525-7111 today and let's review your eminent domain case.
"The government will try to pay as little as possible for your taken property. But you deserve fair compensation and you deserve justice."
-Gene Riddle, attorney, Riddle & Riddle

You deserve maximum compensation for your taken property. Let us see how we can help.
Please call 1-800-525-7111 today to speak with an eminent domain attorney handling cases related to the I-26 connector project in Asheville.
The consultation is free and there are no upfront costs or attorney fees unless we obtain additional compensation for you.
We believe Justice Counts for those whose property is taken by the government and would love to help however we can.
Call 1-800-525-7111 today and let's review your case.