As North Carolina eminent domain lawyers, we're asked all the time:
Can the government take my land?
The short answer is yes, the government can take your land. But… They have to pay for it. If the government can show that they are going to put it to public use, they can take your land under the power of eminent domain as long as they pay you what’s called “just compensation.” Just compensation is determined and described in North Carolina’s “measure of damage statute” (NC General Statute § 136-112): (1) Where only a part of a tract is taken, the measure of damages for said taking shall be the difference between the fair market value of the entire tract immediately prior to said taking and the fair market value of the remainder immediately after said taking, with consideration being given to any special or general benefits resulting from the utilization of the part taken for highway purposes. (2) Where the entire tract is taken the measure of damages for said taking shall be the fair market value of the property at the time of taking. Some cases may fall under a different statutory section because of who is condemning the property, but the principle remains the same. For those who ask "Can the government take my land?" the next question is often:"What if the government only takes part of my land?"
Great question. It’s important to note that in cases where only a portion of your land is taken, the government must pay compensation for the part taken AND for any decrease (called “diminution” in legal terms) in the value of the remainder of your property. There are many situations in which diminution resulting from an eminent domain taking may occur. For example:- Your house has less value because the road is closer to it now.
- You can’t rebuild your business if it is ever partially destroyed in a storm because the footprint of your building no longer meets set-back requirements as a result of the taking.
- Your property no longer has access to other parts of the property that it previously did, rendering it more than useless.
- A part of your property that you could have built on before can now only be used as greenspace.
- Water runoff has increased over a portion of your property rendering it entirely useless.
RECAP: Can the government take my land?

Is the Government Taking Your Land?