Entrusting your parent or loved one to a nursing home or assisted living facility is never easy and requires a great deal of faith.
Unfortunately, the recent explosion in the elder care industry has made sub-standard nursing facilities all too common. These institutions maximize profits by cutting corners in both staffing and procedures. Their owners and shareholders reap the rewards while your loved ones pay the price.
At Riddle & Riddle, we recognize nursing home abuse in North Carolina for what it truly is. Our Kinston nursing home abuse lawyers are proud to have helped families throughout the state get justice for their relatives who have suffered from abuse, neglect or even an injury in a nursing home or assisted living facility. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.
Injured in Kinston? Contact Us Today!
The Increasing Problem with Nursing Home Abuse
In North Carolina, there are over 400 nursing homes. In the Kinston and Lenoir County area, there are a total of eight nursing homes and adult assisted living facilities.
Unfortunately, studies suggest that 1 in 3 nursing homes have records of abuse. Additionally, 1 in 6 nursing home residents will fall victim to abuse each year, while many other abuse and neglect instances remain unreported.
Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
Identifying signs of nursing home abuse and neglect can be extremely difficult. Elderly relatives may be suffering from dementia or could be confused, preventing them from communicating what they’ve experienced in a facility.
While the signs may not always be indicative of nursing home abuse, family members who notice these should consider investigating further:
- Dehydration or malnutrition
- Consistently poor hygiene
- Bedsores
- Unexplained bruises
- Burns
- Extreme fear or anxiety
- Depression
- Unexplained infections
- Unexplained injuries
- Strange behavior
- Discomfort in the presence of nursing home staff
When the staff of a North Carolina nursing home is unable to provide a reasonable explanation for any of these injuries or conditions or they become evasive, defensive, or deceptive when questioned, it may be time to contact a Kinston nursing home abuse attorney.
The elder abuse lawyers at Riddle & Riddle know where to look to find signs of nursing home negligence and abuse, even when staff is trying to cover it up.
Common Causes of Nursing Home Injuries
Although many injuries can occur within nursing homes and assisted living facilities, there are two that are most common and go unreported.
As we get older, our ability to maintain our balance while standing or walking becomes very difficult. For this reason, nursing homes have guidelines in place to help residents as they maneuver throughout the facility. Unfortunately falls occur way too often due to staff not following these guidelines.
There are also cases where staff cause a resident to fall. This often happens when the attendant is attempting to pick up a resident. Once again, procedures and guidelines are installed to help staff but refusing to follow these can cause great harm to nursing-home residents.
Our attorneys handled a case where an elderly lady was dropped onto her head in a failed lift attempt; causing the resident to suffer a severe head injury. Due to delayed medical attention, she did not receive treatment in time and died in the hospital from a severe brain bleed. Attorney Gene Riddle was able to settle the case for $250,000 but this type of accident could have been prevented if the staff member would have followed all procedures in the beginning.
Physical & Mental Abuse:
There are also instances where nursing home attendants and caregivers physically or mentally abuse or harm residents. This is considered the worst type of nursing home abuse for many residents are unable to defend themselves and in some instances are unable to communicate the abuse to others or family members.
Once identified, the abuser will be criminally charged but that alone is not sufficient to get justice for the abused resident. Contacting a nursing home abuse attorney who is experienced in handling these types of cases is critical.
Find Out How a Kinston Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Can Help
Since many nursing home abuse and neglect cases go unreported, do not let your suspicions go unnoticed. When their reasonable questions about their loved one’s condition and care are ignored or brushed off, the next step can often be unclear.
If you have suspicions about your loved-one’s care at a nursing home and have not gotten satisfaction from the staff, having your situation evaluated by a Kinston nursing home abuse attorney at Riddle & Riddle may give you peace of mind. Our nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers have years of experience including a 3 million judgement for nursing home negligence. Contact us today for a free, no obligation case evaluation to begin seeking justice for your loved one.