Where Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Occur?

July 6, 2021 | By Riddle & Riddle Injury Lawyers
Where Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Occur?

The reality of motorcycle accidents is that they can occur anywhere. However, there is evidence suggesting that they are particularly common at intersections and when a motorcyclist attempts to pass a car or truck.

Where Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Occur - Riddle & Riddle

Dealing with the fallout of a motorcycle accident is challenging. If your injuries are severe, you could find yourself facing a mountain of medical expenses and unable to work. A North Carolina motorcycle accident lawyer could help you avoid financial hardship by pursuing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party. Contact Riddle & Riddle at 1-800-525-7111 for your free consultation today — because we believe that Justice Counts.


Intersections are the single most dangerous place for motorcyclists. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that roughly 56 percent of all motorcycle accidents happen here. These collisions are especially prevalent when riders are attempting a left-hand turn across traffic. When oncoming traffic fails to see an approaching motorcycle, left turn accidents are the typical result.

These accidents occur when a motorcyclist is attempting a turn, but they are also common when drivers turn left across traffic. Any situation where a motorist fails to notice a nearby motorcycle could result in a crash.

Some accidents in intersections result from sideswipes. This is especially common in cases where there are two parallel turn lanes. In this scenario, a car turning next to a motorcycle could veer into the rider's lane, colliding with them.


Motorcycle accidents are also common on highways—and more likely to be serious. Highways have more commercial trucks, representing a much greater risk of injury. In addition, traveling at high speeds is also dangerous. Further, motorcyclists on highways are surrounded by much larger vehicles. They can end up in a car accident when a driver fails to notice them in their blindspot.

The motorcycle accident attorneys of Riddle & Riddle understand how to investigate and pursue a claim stemming from a highway accident. For example, we successfully recovered the $300,000 available from the insurer following a serious motorcycle accident on the highway. Our client suffered significant injuries when he was t-boned by a pickup truck as he merged (see disclaimer below). This experience could help you secure the compensation you deserve as well, so contact us today at 1-800-525-7111.

Contact Our Team of North Carolina Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

If you are living with the consequences of a motorcycle accident, you do not have to take on the challenge of a personal injury claim or lawsuit on your own. A North Carolina personal injury lawyer from Riddle & Riddle is here to help.

We believe that Justice Counts. If you suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident through no fault of your own, you deserve to be compensated for your losses. Call 1-800-525-7111 for a free consultation with a North Carolina motorcycle accident lawyer to pursue the compensation you deserve.

"This settlement changed me and my family's lives."

–Linda B., Riddle & Riddle client

*Disclaimer: The results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.