Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Kinds of Abuse in Nursing Homes

Abuse, neglect, and mistreatment of the elderly are facets of a sad reality that exists in many nursing homes and assisted living facilities in North Carolina. The victims of these crimes are our most vulnerable citizens and their physical and mental frailty contributes to their continued targeting by abusers and embezzlers within the very facilities meant to care for them. Various types of nursing home abuse take place even by those least likely to harm residents. Was your loved one harmed, injured, or abused in an assisted living facility? If so, you could be eligible for compensation because of the pain and anguish they endured. The legal team of Riddle & Brantley has experience litigating abuse claims in nursing homes, and we are prepared to fight for the fair compensation due to the victims of these crimes. You only pay when you win with to state that we don’t charge attorney fees unless we are successful in obtaining a recovery or offer of settlement. To find out how we can help, simply fill out the free case evaluation form located on the right side of the page, at the top. It’s 100% FREE, without obligation, and your case is always confidential.

Different Types

Typically, abuse of an elder occurs in the home and by those closest to the elderly person. In the case of nursing home abuse, staff, physicians, and caregivers are in a position of power over the resident, making it easy for them to be exploited and abused. The different types of nursing home abuse a resident can suffer include:
  • Physical - Physical abuse is any intentional infliction of pain, injury, impairment, confinement, or the use of drugs.
  • Mental/Emotional - Yelling, threats, blaming, humiliation, ridicule, ignoring or otherwise terrorizing the resident are all forms of mental and emotional abuse. Neglect, too, can have serious psychological effects for an elderly person.
  • Sexual - If the resident is displaying bruises or damage to their genitalia, as well as inexplicable infections in private areas, they may have suffered sexual abuse. Forcing the elderly person to undress, watch pornography or engage in any sexual act constitutes the same.
  • Financial - Embezzling funds from the elderly person’s accounts, withdrawing and using any of their money or hiding funds from them are all forms of financial abuse.
Experiencing abuse at the hands of a trusted caregiver can be one of the most devastating events in an elderly person’s life. Don’t let your nursing home abuse claim go if you believe your loved one lived through such an incident. Fight for their tights with an experienced team of litigators.

Get Help from our North Carolina Nursing Abuse Law Firm

With over 160 years combined legal experience, Riddle & Brantley understands how frightening and unfair it is to experience abuse of your loved one in the care of a nursing home. The compensation that a successful verdict or settlement can bring is only a portion of the justice that should be served to the victims of the various types of nursing home abuse and their families. With our offices throughout North Carolina, we are proud to serve clients in the following areas:
  • Cary
  • Creedmoor
  • Garner
  • North Raleigh
  • Wendell
  • Most of the surrounding towns and suburbs of these areas.
Do not hesitate to file your claim with an attorney experienced in nursing home abuse litigation. Call us today at (800) 525-7111 for a FREE review of your case.