Safety Tips for Avoiding Construction Accidents

Safety Tips for Avoiding Construction Accidents

Construction accidents are common workplace injuries which often cause severe physical, financial, and psychological pain for victims and their families. However, if employees follow these construction safety tips and regulations implemented by OSHA, many accidents can be avoided. Fall Protection: Falls are the most cited accident in the construction industry. It is the leading cause of worker deaths at construction sites. Employers should assess the job site and implement fall protection systems for workers. Workers should familiarize themselves with all potential fall hazards on a work site. Furthermore, employees should never work in an area where fall protection systems have not been installed. Scaffolds: Approximately 65% of all construction workers work on scaffolds. Employees working on scaffolds are exposed to falls, electrocutions and falling object hazards. Workers should wear hard hats when on or around a scaffold. Sturdy and non-skid boots are also a must. Never work on a scaffold that is covered in water, mud or ice. Never use a ladder or box to increase height. Also, never exceed the maximum weight on a scaffold. Stairways and Ladders: Improper ladder use is a leading cause for falls on a construction site. Employees need to make sure they secure the ladder properly and tie ladders to a secure point on the top and bottom. Tools and materials should be carried up using a tool belt or rope. All ladders on a construction site should conform to OSHA standards. Eye and Face Protection: OSHA requires that workers be provided with and always wear face and eye protection when there are face or eye hazards present. A few hazards are molten metal, flying particles, chemical gases or vapors and acids or caustic liquids. Head Protection: Hard hats are commonplace on a construction site. They protect workers from many hazards such as falling and flying objects, electrical shock and other impacts. Workers are required to wear head protection while on a construction site. Toxic and Hazardous Substances: Some construction sites have hazardous chemicals on their workplace. Common hazardous materials are lead, silica, asbestos and reared wood or wood that will be cut and generate dust. Certain building materials also contain hazardous chemicals such as zinc, cadmium, beryllium and mercury. Employers are required to implement a written hazard communication program and include all inventories of hazardous chemicals and materials.

How Can an Attorney Help Me Recover from Construction Injuries?

For more than 30 years, the attorneys at Riddle & Brantley have been helping to protect the rights of injured workers throughout North Carolina. If you have been injured in a construction accident, we may be able to help. Contact us online or call at (800) 525-7111 today for your free case consultation. Our representatives are ready to assist.