Is There Asbestos in Talcum Powder?

Testing Finds Asbestos in Talcum Powder

Is There Asbestos in Talcum PowderAsbestos is a compound found all over the world, typically in soil and rocks. Talcum powder is made from the mineral talc, which is also mined from open-pit rock mines throughout the world. Recent testing of popular talcum powder-based products has found evidence of asbestos contamination. This is especially concerning because asbestos is a “known carcinogen” according to the American Cancer Society and can lead to mesothelioma and other cancers in people who are regularly exposed. To be clear, testing has found asbestos in talcum powder, including Johnson & Johnson talc-based products. This represents a serious potential cancer risk from Talcum powder products.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring substance that presents itself as certain minerals in long, thin strands that are bunched together. These clumps of hard minerals are very brittle and abrasive and can cause significant damage to the lungs and digestive tract if inhaled or swallowed. Asbestos is commonly comprised of silicon and oxygen, making it resistant to heat and many chemicals. As we’ve mentioned before, asbestos is a “known carcinogen” according to the ACA, which means that there is significant research to support that exposure to asbestos puts people at an increased risk for cancer.

How is Asbestos Ending Up in Talcum Powder?

Since asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is found amongst other mineral deposits around the world, it can easily contaminate other mined minerals if careful consideration is not made to reduce this risk. Unfortunately, many major cosmetics manufacturers, most notably Johnson & Johnson, have been criticized for using talc that may have been improperly mined and had potentially become contaminated with asbestos. Due to these findings and the increasing number of talcum powder lawsuits, Johnson & Johnson decided to pull all talc-based products from store shelves in the U.S. and Canada starting in May 2020.

What are the Risks Associated with Asbestos-Contaminated Talc?

Studies have shown that using talcum powder contaminated with asbestos can put people at risk for a variety of cancers, including: While research is still ongoing, there have been multiple studies that support an increased risk for cancer associated with long-term exposure to asbestos. If you have used talc-based products and later developed ovarian cancer or endometrioid ovarian cancer, you may be entitled to compensation. IMPORTANT: As of August 2023, we can no longer accept claims involving mesothelioma potentially linked to talcum powder, only those involving ovarian cancer or endometrial ovarian cases, due to developments in this litigation. 

“I’ve Used Johnson & Johnson Talcum Powder and Developed Cancer. Do I Qualify for a Lawsuit?”

One of the most popular manufacturers of talcum-based products is Johnson & Johnson, which is currently battling more than 25,000 lawsuits alleging the company’s popular talc-based baby powder contained dangerous levels of asbestos and caused cancer. To qualify for a Johnson & Johnson talcum powder lawsuit, you must:
  • Have used Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder or Shower-to-Shower talcum powder for 4+ years continuously in the general area, which was later affected
  • Be diagnosed with ovarian cancer or endometroid ovarian cancer
  • Have been diagnosed in 2009 or later
  • Have used talcum powder prior to menopause (if you later developed ovarian or endometrial cancer) 
Does Talcum Powder Contain AsbestosThese are the general guidelines for qualifying for a claim. However, with cases like these, it can be difficult to determine eligibility. The best way to find out if you may be eligible for a talcum powder cancer claim is to talk to an experienced attorney who can gather more information and walk you through the process of filing a claim. If you believe you may qualify for a talcum powder cancer lawsuit, call 1-800-525-7111 today for a 100% FREE consultation with an experienced baby powder lawsuit attorney at Riddle & Brantley. IMPORTANT: As of August 2023, we can no longer accept claims involving mesothelioma potentially linked to talcum powder, only those involving ovarian cancer or endometrial ovarian cases, due to developments in this litigation.  Our attorneys have over 220+ years of combined experience fighting against potentially negligent individuals and companies and we’ve recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our deserving clients (see disclaimer below). At Riddle & Brantley, we think you should have a voice against these big corporations and their retained attorneys. If you’ve been injured, you shouldn’t have to suffer through piles of paperwork and face skilled corporate lawyers on your own. That’s why we’re here — to help you get the maximum compensation you may be entitled to while navigating the complex legal system. We’re here to fight for you, which is why you’ll never pay any attorney fees unless you receive compensation on your claim.
“This settlement changed me and my family’s lives.”
-Linda B., Riddle & Brantley client Call 1-800-525-7111 and let’s review your claim. You may be eligible for a talcum powder cancer lawsuit and be entitled to compensation.  
*** Disclaimer: The results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.