What steps are taken if you have Medicaid?

First, we immediately notify Medicaid of your pending claim. The Medicaid claim is handled by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance. (DMA) Medicaid will then issue an acknowledgement letter to us. Medicaid will request that we allow six (6) to eight (8) weeks to respond to our requests. Medicaid will issue letters to us which are called “Liens.” These liens will state the amount which Medicaid paid on your behalf and which it believes should be reimbursed at the resolution of your case. If unrelated claims are included in the lien we receive, then they can be disputed at this stage, which can be very time consuming and frustrating. This dispute stage can delay the resolution of your case, but it is important not to reimburse Medicaid for bills that are not related to your accident and injuries. You should only reimburse Medicaid for bills related to your case. Lien amounts received from Medicaid are only “valid” for a period of thirty (30) days. After the 30 days expires the lien is considered void and a new lien amount must be requested. This 30 day period can create delays and confusion, especially if unrelated charges are included.