North Carolina Brain, Head & Spinal Injury Attorney

Accident Cause a Catastrophic Brain Injury?

North Carolina Brain Injury Lawyers Explain Head Trauma Dangers

North Carolina Brain Injury Lawyers Explain Head and Neck Trauma Dangers of Car Accidents A serious motor vehicle accident may cause mild, moderate or even severe traumatic brain injuries. These catastrophic injuries are often permanent, causing loss of quality of life and, in the worst cases, wrongful death. Personality changes, memory difficulties, chronic fatigue and depression are all common results of a brain injury. Additionally, depending on the location and severity of the damage, physical impairment and paralysis may also occur. Even a serious concussion can have lifelong side effects that can make working and socializing difficult. However, if someone else’s negligence caused the car accident that resulted in your brain injury, then you may be able to hold that person accountable for your losses. Some of our car accident cases also involve a claim for workers compensation as our client was on the job at the time of the auto accident. If the injury is a brain injury and our client cannot work, then our client may begin to receive weekly checks from workers compensation shortly after the accident, which is usually within a couple of weeks. In this circumstance, our client will have a workers compensation claim as well as an auto accident claim against the party who caused the crash. We can represent the client on both claims at the same time. An individual’s carelessness can alter the entire course of your life. A car accident can happen in an instant, but can have effects that last forever. If you or a loved one sustains a brain injury in a wreck, then you may require ongoing medical treatment and be unable to return to your normal life. However, the North Carolina brain injury lawyers Riddle & Brantley can help you seek justice by filing a claim against the negligent individual. [su_button background="#13182E" color="#ffffff" size="10" wide="yes" center="yes" url="tel:1-800-525-7111" desc="Injured in a car accident? Click to call for a FREE consultation!"]1-800-525-7111[/su_button]

What Types of Vehicle Accident Commonly Cause Brain Injuries?

Any type of accident could cause a brain injury, especially if it involves severe head trauma. However, a large portion of all brain injury cases involve motor vehicle accidents, including:
  • Truck accidents. The size and weight of a big rig truck can be deadly, especially when a crash involves smaller vehicles. As a result, truck accidents often involve catastrophic spine and brain injuries, which may be fatal.
  • Motorcycle accidents. Motorcyclists are relatively unprotected, as they lack the frame of a car to protect them in the event of an impact. Thus, even when wearing a helmet, a motorcyclist has a higher risk of sustaining a brain injury in a wreck.
  • Pedestrians hit by a vehicle. If a car collides with a pedestrian, then the pedestrian often sustains permanent, disabling injuries, which may include a brain injury.
  • Bicyclists hit by a vehicle. Like motorcyclists, bike riders are at risk for severe injuries, including brain injuries, in a crash. A bike helmet can help minimize head trauma, but may not prevent brain injuries in all situations.
  • Car accidents. Any motor vehicle accident may cause brain injuries if it occurs with sufficient force.
In these cases, you may be able to recover the cost of your medical treatment and other losses from the at-fault driver. An attorney can help you file an insurance claim and/or personal injury lawsuit When you enlist the help of Riddle & Brantley, you add a team of fighters to your side. Our brain injury lawyers and staff take your case very seriously; we thoroughly understand the importance and repercussions any legal decision can have on your life. Using our combined legal experience of over 160 years, we work to achieve a beneficial solution in your case. We fight hard to get you full and just compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering. [su_button background="#13182E" color="#ffffff" size="10" wide="yes" center="yes" url="tel:1-800-525-7111" desc="No fee unless you receive compensation."]Talk with an experienced car accident attorney for free![/su_button] In the event that you cannot physically travel to our offices, we are happy to make home, nursing home and hospital visits. Also, we offer a free consultation and flexible appointment times for your convenience. Let our compassionate lawyers and staff help you regain control of your situation and relieve some of the stress you may be feeling.