Broken Bones and Joints

Workers' Comp for Broken Bones and Joints

Fractured bones or joints are one of the most common workplace injuries, and can occur in any profession. Some industries pose a far higher risk than others; the construction industry is considered one of the most dangerous, carrying a high possibility of serious injuries. A number of jobsite conditions can result in a worker suffering broken bones or joints.

A number of jobsite conditions can result in a worker suffering broken bones or joints, including:

Types of Fractures

There are several types of bone fractures, and treatment and recovery time varies based upon the damage to the bone structure and surrounding tissue.

A broken bone that has not pierced the skin and is cracked is generally far easier to treat, requiring about four to six weeks of recovery time. The bone naturally knits together, and is restored. This type of fracture is termed a “closed fracture” or “simple fracture.”

When the skin has been broken and the bone has pierced the skin, the fracture is called a “compound fracture” or “open fracture.”

The types of bone fractures include:

  • Closed: No open wound is associated with the break.
  • Open: Broken bone is accompanied by an open wound.
  • Comminuted: Bone is broken, crushed into several pieces or splintered.
  • Compound: A broken bone has pierced the skin, creating the risk of serious infection.
  • Depressed: A skull fracture in which a section of the cranium is crushed, with a depression that presses in towards the brain.
  • Elevated skull: A skull fracture in which the broken section of the cranium is elevated from the skull.
  • Fissured: A fracture in the outer layer of bone.
  • Transverse: The broken piece of bone is now at a right angle.
  • Oblique: The broken bone is curved or sloped.
  • Greenstick: A broken bone in which one side of the bone has been broken and the other side is bent.
  • Impacted: A fracture in which the ends of the bone are driven into each other, also called a “buckled fracture.”
  • Linear: A skull fracture that has not splintered or depressed in to the cranial cavity.
  • March: Also called a “fatigue” or “stress” fracture to the long bone in the foot, as a result of recurring stress to the area.
  • Simple: No breakage to the surrounding tissue and skin associated with the broken bone.
  • Spiral: Also called a torsion fracture, this is a broken bone that occurs when a rotating force has been applied to a bone, such as when the body is in motion, or when an extremity is held stationary and unable to move.
  • Slipped epiphysis: A bone fracture in the growth plate in the hip.
  • Stress: Tiny cracks in a bone, caused by the repetitive application of some form of force, most common in lower leg and foot.
  • Cracked bones: A bone that has been cracked but not displaced.
  • Chipped or broken teeth: Pieces of teeth are broken off or chipped.
  • Avulsion: A bone fragment tears away from the rest of the bone.
  • Joint: Some area of the joint of the arm, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow or wrist has been broken.

Complications of Bone Fractures

Serious complications can make treating a fracture a long and painful journey. These complications include:

  • Vascular damage: Damage to veins as a result of the break.
  • Visceral injury: The bone has pierced brain, lung, bladder, or other organs.
  • Tissue damage: The bone has damaged the surrounding nerves, muscle, or skin.
  • Hamarthrosis: Bleeding into the spaces in the joints.
  • Compartment syndrome: Pressure built up in the area of the break, decreasing blow flow, also called “Volkmman’s ischemia.”
  • Infections: More commonly appearing in cases in which the bone has pierced the skin, these infections are often difficult to resolve.
  • Fracture blisters: Blisters pop up near the zone of the broken bone, similar to a second degree burn, making it difficult to splint or cast the area.

Why You Should Choose Our Lawyers For Your Bone Fracture Injury

If you were injured while performing your job duties, you have a right to seek benefits through workers’ compensation. Although this should be a simple process, many people who try it on their own are devastated to find out they have to fight just to get the benefits that are part of their job. Workers’ compensation insurance companies are entities that are focused upon profits, which can include reducing the value of your claim or denying it altogether.

Don’t be a victim of this common insurance company practice – let our professional team get to work for you. We will aggressively pursue every possible form of compensation that could be available. With years of success in workers’ comp law in North Carolina and two Board Certified Specialists in workers’ compensation law on our team, you can be confident that your case is in good hands. Connect with us by phone, or use our online injury evaluation form. We are ready to help you now – call our workers compensation lawyers TODAY.
