Social Media Allowing Teachers More Opportunities to Sexually Abuse Students?

March 24, 2017 | By Riddle & Brantley Accident Injury Lawyers
Social Media Allowing Teachers More Opportunities to Sexually Abuse Students? In December, a Cherryville High School teacher was arrested following allegations that she had sex with a student. The police charged the 41-year-old English teacher with sexual activity with a student. As of this writing, she was still awaiting trial, but in February, she was fired. Reportedly, the relationship between her and a 17-year-old student began when they started talking on Snapchat, a popular social media app. As social media has gained popularity, it seems to be increasingly becoming a gateway for teachers to sexually abuse students. Even if a teacher is criminally convicted of sexually abusing a student, the family should speak to personal injury attorney about pursuing a civil lawsuit. Unlike a criminal conviction, a civil lawsuit verdict or settlement will allow victims of abuse to hold those responsible for their sexual assault accountable financially, including recovering help for expenses like physical and psychological therapy and mental anguish. [su_button background="#13182E" color="#ffffff" size="10" wide="yes" center="yes" url="tel:1-800-525-7111" desc="1-800-525-7111"]Call us today for a free, no obligation consultation.[/su_button]

How Can I Keep My Teens Safe on Social Media?

Safe Search Kids is a website that provides tips for parents to protect their children from online dangers, such as sexual predators and cyberbullying. The site includes a guide for parents to keep their teenagers safe while on social media:
  • Keep the lines of communication open with your teens regarding social media use. If your teenager does not feel comfortable talking to you about their social media use, it can lead to them keeping things from you and engaging in dangerous online behavior.
  • Make sure the computers in your home are kept in a public location rather than in bedrooms. In addition, you may want to require that your child provide you with the passwords to his or her accounts and cellphone so that you can check up on his or her activity periodically. Cell phones should be particularly concerning for parents since they are so available to teens and so easy to use.
  • Create rules for acceptable behavior on social media for your teens, such as how much time they are allowed to spend on social media sites and who it is acceptable to interact with online.
  • When in doubt about the usage of the cell phone by your teen, take it away.