Safety Tips to Help Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian accidents are a public safety hazard and cause thousands of deaths per year, but they also lead to life-changing injuries. Survivors can suffer spinal cord injuries, brain injuries and broken bones. Therefore, it is important to take steps to protect yourself from being involved in a pedestrian accident. To reduce your changes, you could take steps that include:
  1. Increasing your visibility. You could wear bright or reflective clothing (such as a vest) while walking at night. You could also carry a flashlight to make yourself more visible to vehicles.
  2. Remaining attentive. Whether you are crossing a street or walking alongside one, you should remain attentive to your surroundings. If you are crossing a street, then you should look left, right and then left again. Never cross a street while looking at your phone or texting. You should also remove earphones while crossing a street.
  3. Making eye contact. Never assume that other drivers will yield. If you are about to traverse a crosswalk, make eye contact with drivers before proceeding.
  4. Avoiding jaywalking. Stick to using crosswalks. Jaywalkers have an increased risk of being hit by vehicles. Motorists are more likely to expect pedestrians at crosswalks.
  5. Avoiding alcohol use. Federal data shows that almost half of fatal pedestrian accidents involved intoxicated pedestrians or motorists. You should avoid alcohol use if you plan to walk to another location, even if you are in a group. Consider using a ridesharing service or designated driver instead.
  6. Taking steps to protect your children from pedestrian accidents. You can also use safety tips to protect your children from being hit by vehicles. Vision Zero North Carolina has multiple recommendations for protecting children on its website.
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What If I’m Injured in a Pedestrian Accident?

In North Carolina, collecting compensation following a pedestrian accident can be difficult and may involve negotiations with insurance companies and lawsuits against negligent automobile drivers. At Riddle & Brantley, our attorneys have the resources needed to simplify this often complicated process and are committed to helping pedestrians recover compensation for medical bills, physical pain and other losses that were incurred as a result of the car accident. If you suffered an injury as a pedestrian, you may have legal recourse. To learn more about how Riddle & Brantley may be able to help, please fill out our case evaluation form today. Your claim will be reviewed by one of our pedestrian accident attorneys at no cost or obligation to you. At Riddle & Brantley, Safety Counts.