How Will I Pay My Medical Bills After a Truck Accident?

The aftermath of a truck accident can be difficult and overwhelming. In addition to the physical injuries suffered, medical bills can pile up quickly, and many of our clients wonder, “How will I pay my medical bills after a truck accident?”

In this article, we’ll do our best to explain how payment of medical bills works after a truck accident. We’ll also share what you can do to protect your rights and pursue compensation in a truck accident injury claim.

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Who Pays the Medical Bills After a Truck Accident?

If you’re injured in a truck accident, the simple fact is that you are responsible for paying your medical bills as they are incurred.

Of course, your medical bills may be paid by your health insurance or car insurance company, and ultimately you may recover compensation for these bills in a settlement or jury verdict.

“Do I have to repay the insurance company if I get a settlement or favorable verdict?”

In general, you are responsible for paying medical bills after a truck accident as they are incurred

In general, if a private insurance company, Medicare, or state Medicaid agency pays for your medical care after an accident, they are entitled to reimbursement out of any settlement or damages awarded by a jury.

This concept is called subrogation, in which insurance companies can demand to be repaid for covering your medical costs after a truck accident or other type of motor vehicle accident.

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In these cases, the insurance company, Medicare or state Medicaid agency will place a medical lien against compensation awarded in a potential settlement or verdict.

When you receive compensation from a truck accident settlement or verdict, you will be required to first pay back the company or agency that paid for your medical treatment.

Medical insurers will typically seek reimbursement for medical expenses when you receive a favorable settlement or judgement

If you’re trying to navigate the complex insurance claim system after a truck accident, you don’t have to do this alone.

Our experienced truck accident attorneys are ready to help.

Negotiating Medical Liens

In some cases, it is possible to negotiate a lower payment to reimburse insurance companies or providers for medical expenses.

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An experienced truck accident lawyer can help negotiate with the insurance company or medical provider to try and reduce the amount of your medical lien payment. This is yet another advantage of hiring an experienced truck accident lawyer to represent you in your claim.

Have You Been Hurt in a Truck Accident in North Carolina?

If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence in a truck accident, the experienced truck accident lawyers at Riddle & Brantley are ready to help.

Our attorneys can help negotiate medical liens so that you can keep more of the settlement

There is never any obligation and we don’t get paid unless you do. No win, no fee. You won’t pay any attorney fees unless we win your case and you receive compensation.

Our team is led by Gene Riddle, an experienced truck accident lawyer who has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for victims of truck accidents (see disclaimer below).

Contact us today for a FREE, no obligation case review.

You don’t have to go through this alone. We understand what you’re going through and we would love to help you however we can.

Justice Counts.