Is Texting While Driving a Problem in North Carolina?

March 27, 2017 | By Riddle & Brantley Accident Injury Lawyers
Is Texting While Driving a Problem in North Carolina?

More Drivers are Distracted

Why is texting while driving a problem in the past decade? Too many people on smartphones. There are no excuses for texting and driving or inattentive distracted driving. Drivers who use their phones while driving risk harming themselves and others. Crashes caused by distracted driving are disturbing because they did not have to happen. Motorists have an obligation to stay attentive and put their phones down. In this video, North Carolina car accident attorney Gene Riddle explains why distracted drivers cause tragedies.

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Video Transcription

At Riddle and Brantley, we have found that there are really two types of cases. Or really three types of cases that really bother us that involve auto wrecks. One is drunk driving. Two is inattention distracted driving. Three is texting while driving. The reason why these bother us so much is because they didn’t have to happen. Obviously, there is no excuse for driving drunk. Obviously, there is no excuse for texting while driving. Put your phone down. Don’t take the chance to harm others. Don’t take the chance to harm yourself. And third, be attentive. What does that mean? That means don’t play with the radio. I’m not suggesting that you can’t glance to change the station. But don’t play with it. Don’t focus our attention on the radio or other things in the car. We’ve had case involving auto accidents that happened right outside my window. Where the person was texting while driving. Did not see that the car stopped in front of them. And plowed into them right here at the red light in front of my office. That type of accident can be avoided. Please give us a call or send us an email. We’re here. We’re ready to help. Justice Counts.