Roundup Verdict Upheld: Bayer Must Pay $87 Million in Roundup Lawsuit

August 20, 2021 | By Riddle & Brantley Accident Injury Lawyers
Roundup Verdict Upheld: Bayer Must Pay $87 Million in Roundup Lawsuit Bayer Loses Another Roundup Lawsuit and Forced to Pay $87 MillionA California appeals court upheld an $87 million verdict against Bayer in a lawsuit alleging that Roundup caused plaintiffs’ cancer. The loss is yet another setback for Bayer in ongoing Roundup lawsuits. The company recently announced it was setting aside another $4.5 billion for anticipated legal costs and potential settlements. Another California court had previously reduced a $2 billion judgment against the company to $87 million. The plaintiffs in the case were Alberta and Alva Pilliod, who claimed that years of using Roundup weed killer at four residential properties caused their cancer. They alleged that Monsanto (the original manufacturer of Roundup since acquired by Bayer) manufactured a product with a known design defect, and failed to warn consumers, among other claims. IMPORTANT: While most Roundup lawsuits have already settled (or are in settlement negotiations), there is still time to file a Roundup claim provided the case meets certain criteria. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia after exposure to Roundup, please call 1-800-525-7111 today for a free consultation. 

[su_button background="#13182E" color="#ffffff" size="10" wide="yes" center="yes" url="tel:1-800-525-7111" desc="Do you qualify for a Roundup lawsuit?"]Click to call for a FREE consultation![/su_button]

In mid-2020, Bayer announced that it had reached a global Roundup settlement with thousands of plaintiffs in the Roundup multidistrict litigation. That settlement totaled more than $10 billion, however not all plaintiffs agreed to the settlement. The company announced in 2021 that it would stop selling Roundup for residential use in 2023, citing the ongoing legal battle.

“Is There Still Time to File a Roundup Lawsuit?”

IMPORTANT: While most Roundup lawsuits have already settled (or are in settlement negotiations), there is still time to file a Roundup claim provided the case meets certain criteria. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia after exposure to Roundup, please call 1-800-525-7111 today for a free consultation. 

Roundup Lawsuit Criteria

You may qualify for a Roundup lawsuit if you meet the following criteria:
  • You used Roundup either commercially or residentially
  • You used Roundup for a prolonged period of at least 2 years
  • Your exposure to Roundup was after 1990
  • You received a subsequent diagnosis of a form of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
  • In death cases, the date of death must be within the last ten years
For a FREE consultation with an experienced Roundup lawsuit attorney at Riddle & Brantley, please call 1-800-525-7111.

[su_button background="#13182E" color="#ffffff" size="10" wide="yes" center="yes" url="tel:1-800-525-7111" desc="No fee unless you receive compensation."]Talk with a Roundup lawsuit attorney today![/su_button]

The consultation is free, and there are no upfront costs or attorney fees unless we win your case and you receive compensation.
“If you believe that Roundup caused your cancer, don’t wait to contact us. The clock is ticking on these cases, but there is still time to file a lawsuit if you qualify.”
-Gene Riddle, Roundup lawsuit attorney Still Time to File a Roundup LawsuitPlease call 1-800-525-7111 today for a free, no-obligation consultation concerning your eligibility for a potential Roundup lawsuit. Remember, we don’t get paid unless you do. If we don’t recover compensation for you, you won’t pay any attorney fees. Since 1985, our product liability attorneys have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for victims of others’ negligence, and we’d love to help you if we can (see disclaimer below).
“This settlement changed me and my family’s lives.”
-Linda B., Riddle & Brantley client We believe Justice Counts and we are ready to help. IMPORTANT: While most Roundup lawsuits have already settled (or are in settlement negotiations), there is still time to file a Roundup claim provided the case meets certain criteria. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia after exposure to Roundup, please call 1-800-525-7111 today for a free consultation.   
*** Disclaimer: The results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.