Electrocution Injuries at Work

Workplace electrocution injuries can have devastating consequences. Electric shock, even from lower-current sources, can leave a victim with chronic pain, persistent tingling and numbness, and weakness or difficulty in moving limbs. More serious shocks can leave a victim with permanent central nervous system damage.

An Electrocution Injury on the Job may qualify you for Workers Comp benefits

If you are electrocuted on the job, workers compensation benefits are available to cover at least a portion of your medical bills and lost wages due to time you are forced to miss from work. In the case of serious injury, however, workers comp may not provide enough to cover the full extent of your losses, including non-economic damages such as pain and suffering or loss of quality of life. If a party who is not your employer – such as a property owner or third-party contractor – contributed in any way towards your workplace electrocution accident, you may be able to sue for damages above and beyond what you get from workers comp.

An experienced electrocution accident lawyer can put you in the best position to receive maximum compensation for your on-the-job injuries. We invite you to speak for free with a workers’ compensation lawyer from Riddle & Brantley about your case. After you have received medical treatment for your injuries, call us as soon as possible at 1-800-525-7111 for a no-fee consultation. We believe that Justice Counts for all workers, and we are ready to help in any way that we can to protect your right to a full and fair workers’ comp settlement and any other damages that you are entitled to.

Electrocuted at Work? Here's What to Do

Effective first aid care can reduce the severity of workplace electric shock injuries. The most important thing to remember is that if a person is experiencing continuous electric shock, you should never touch that person directly, but instead, you should shut off the power to the source of the shock. Then:

  • Avoid moving the injured party, if possible
  • Perform CPR if you cannot detect a pulse
  • Check for burns or other shock-related injuries
  • Call emergency services at 911, and keep the injured party comfortable and immobile

Depending on the severity of the electric shock, emergency medical personnel or a physician should check the injured worker for burns, fractures, dislocations, and similar injuries. A physician might also order blood and urine tests, electrocardiograms, CT scans or MRIs, and other tests to assess the extent of electrocution injuries.

IMPORTANT: If you've suffered electrocution — on the job or elsewhere — seek immediate medical attention

Workplace Electrocution Injuries

While electrocution injuries may be more common at construction sites and at other workplaces where heavy electricity-powered machinery is in use, they can happen in any workplace environment. Some workers have serious falls after touching open electrical sources, some experience severe burns, some are left with chronic nerve damage after an electric shock, and at the extreme, some may suffer tragic fatalities after contact with power lines. We understand and appreciate the full scope of injuries that can happen when an employee is electrocuted at work and we are ready to fight to recover the full amount of compensation you deserve to make you and your family whole again.

Recovering Maximum Damages for Electrocution Injury at Work

An employee who is injured from an electric shock at work can file a workers' comp insurance claim for medical bills and expenses and replacement of lost wages. To recover the largest available amount of compensation, that employee might have to file a separate lawsuit against a third party whose negligence caused the electric shock.

Riddle & Brantley’s workers’ compensation attorneys investigate every avenue for recovering damages when an employee suffers any workplace injury. In one of our cases, for example, we recovered $685,000 from a third-party contractor in addition to the $6,000 annual workers’ compensation annuity that the employer’s insurance carrier agreed to pay to the injured employee for 33 years (see disclaimer below).

Whether employees are seeking workers' compensation for construction accidents or electric shock injuries in any other employment environment, our lawyers will not rest until every potential source of restitution is fully investigated.

Hurt on the Job? Contact Riddle & Brantley

"There are no attorney fees unless we get you Workers Comp benefits for your Electrocution Injury." - Gene Riddle - Riddle & Brantley

Riddle & Brantley approaches every client engagement with an absolute commitment to the principle that "Justice Counts." Our commitment is to give every client the highest level of courtesy and respect.

If you suffered any form of electrocution injury in your workplace, please use our convenient online contact form or call us at 1-800-525-7111 for a no-fee, no-obligation consultation with one of our North Carolina workplace compensation lawyers. We will provide an honest assessment of your case and strive to help in any way that we can to bring about the best outcome for you and your family.

"It’s a wonderful family atmosphere."

-Schaeffer, Riddle & Brantley client

*Disclaimer: The results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.