(800)525-7111 Free Consultation

When Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

When Should I Hire a Personal Injury LawyerIf you have suffered an injury through no fault of your own, there is no reason to delay selecting an attorney to fight for your rights. The longer you wait to secure legal counsel, the greater the advantage you give the other side.

Remember, most defendants in personal injury lawsuits have insurance companies backing them. These insurance carriers provide a team of seasoned lawyers to fight back against your injury claim. Hiring a North Carolina personal injury lawyer right away is in your best interest. Call 1-800-525-7111 for a free consultation with Riddle & Brantley right away. We believe that Justice Counts!

When to Hire an Injury Lawyer

You should consider hiring a North Carolina personal injury lawyer after any accident resulting in injury, but it’s especially important in any of the following circumstances:

When Your Injuries Are Severe

If your injuries are severe, the stakes are too high for you to handle your claim on your own. The guidance of our attorneys can be invaluable during every step of the claims process, meaning there is no reason to delay your decision.

The more severe your injuries are, the greater the likelihood that your financial compensation will be substantial. You could be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages related to your injury.

We understand what it takes to maximize compensation in a personal injury lawsuit. We have successfully recovered fair compensation for countless clients, and we look forward to doing the same for you. For example, our attorneys recently settled a commercial truck accident for more than $9.4 million on behalf of our client (see disclaimer below).

When There Are Multiple Parties Responsible for Your Injuries

Any personal injury case has the potential to be complex. Generally, you can count on more complications when there are multiple defendants. The more defendants, the more difficult it can be to reach a reasonable settlement. Our attorneys can break through the common roadblocks with these types of cases and help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today at 1-800-525-7111.

When Insurance Companies Are Involved

Should I Hire a Personal Injury LawyerWhen insurance companies are covering the at-fault party, you can count on the defendant having a team of experienced lawyers assisting them. Given the risk of personal liability, most people responsible for causing a serious injury will notify their insurance company right away.

In most cases, the insurance company and their attorneys will begin crafting a defense to your injury claims right away. Every day that you delay will give the other side more time to prepare.

Insurance companies are also known to pressure parties who do not have an attorney. Without legal counsel advocating for you, it will be difficult to know if the settlement offers made by the other side are fair or reasonable. The sooner you get an attorney, the sooner you can even the playing field against the defendant.

Discuss Your Options with North Carolina Personal Injury Lawyers

At Riddle & Brantley, our initial consultation is always free. We are prepared to answer your questions, review your case, and advise you on your available legal options.

Contact us right away to schedule your free, no-risk consultation by dialing 1-800-525-7111. You will benefit from writing down any questions you have as you prepare for your free consultation. This will prevent you from forgetting to ask something important.

“This settlement changed me and my family’s lives.”

-Linda B., Riddle & Brantley client


Disclaimer: The results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.