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Mounjaro, Ozempic Lawsuits Consolidated in MDL

Riddle Brantley LLP   |  February 27, 2024   |  

In a significant legal development, at least 55 lawsuits against pharmaceutical giants Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly have been centralized into multidistrict litigation (MDL) in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. This consolidation marks a crucial step in addressing claims over severe gastrointestinal side effects allegedly caused by popular diabetes and weight-loss drugs, including Ozempic and Mounjaro. Our firm is actively investigating these cases and filing Ozempic and Mounjaro lawsuits, as well as claims related to other diabetes and weight loss drugs like Wegovy, Saxenda, Trulicity, and Rybelsus.

Why This Consolidation Is Important

The centralization of these weight loss drug lawsuits and diabetes drug lawsuits into an MDL is a pivotal moment for both the plaintiffs and the pharmaceutical industry. Here’s why:

  • Streamlines Legal Proceedings: The MDL process will streamline pretrial proceedings, making it more efficient to handle a large number of similar cases.
  • Potential for Large-Scale Impact: Plaintiffs’ lawyers anticipate the MDL could eventually encompass up to 10,000 cases, highlighting the widespread concern over these medications.
  • Focuses on Patient Safety: This consolidation brings attention to the importance of drug safety and the alleged failure of big pharma to adequately warn patients of potential risks.

Understanding Multidistrict Litigation (MDL)

An MDL is a legal procedure designed to efficiently process cases that share common factual questions. Here’s what makes MDLs unique:

  • Consolidation for Pretrial Proceedings: Cases from across the country are transferred to a single district court, in this case the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. This helps avoid duplication of discovery (production and sharing of evidence) and inconsistent pretrial rulings, as well as conserves limited court resources.
  • Individual and “Bellwether” Trials: While pretrial activities are consolidated, each case can be sent back to its original court for trial, preserving the plaintiffs’ rights to individual judgments. Some of these cases are considered “bellwether” cases that are used by plaintiffs’ and defense counsel to assess the strength of the evidence, potentially influencing a “global settlement,” in which many or all claims may be resolved.

Allegations Against Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Other Related Drugs

The lawsuits consolidated in this MDL allege serious concerns regarding the safety of certain diabetes and weight-loss drugs. Key points include:

  • Severe Gastrointestinal Side Effects: Plaintiffs claim the drugs caused conditions ranging from stomach paralysis to intestinal obstruction, among other injuries.
  • Failure to Warn: It’s alleged that Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly did not sufficiently warn users about these potential side effects, despite some warnings being present on the drug labels.

Pharmaceutical Companies’ Responses

Both manufacturers currently named in the MDL, Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly, have strongly denied any liability or wrongdoing:

  • Novo Nordisk: Supported the creation of the MDL and intends to vigorously defend against the claims.
  • Eli Lilly: Opposed inclusion in the MDL, with a smaller proportion of the lawsuits directed against it.

The decision to centralize these lawsuits in Pennsylvania’s Eastern District was influenced by factors such as convenience, proximity to Novo Nordisk’s New Jersey headquarters, and the district’s capability to efficiently manage the pretrial proceedings.

Who May Qualify for a Lawsuit

Individuals who may qualify for a claim, or inclusion in this MDL, typically share the following experiences:

  • Prescription Drug Users: Specifically, those prescribed Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus, Trulicity, or Mounjaro for diabetes management or weight loss.
  • Suffered Severe Side Effects: Individuals who experienced significant gastrointestinal issues, such as gastroparesis (“stomach paralysis”) or intestinal obstruction, potentially linked to these medications.

If you’ve been diagnosed with a qualifying condition after taking Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, Rybelsus, or Trulicity for weight loss or diabetes, you may be entitled to compensation. Please call 1-800-525-7111 for a FREE, no-obligation case review. Our experienced dangerous drug attorneys are standing by and ready to help.

Justice Counts.