Intake Specialist/Case Manager
How I help our clients: My job duties include, speaking with new callers to obtain the necessary information the attorneys require in making decisions on accepting new cases. I am trained to deal with any and all types of injury claims our firm handles (i.e., automobile, disability, workers’ compensation, medical malpractice, defective devices, etc.) My job is to consult with the attorneys and work to set up appointments whether it is in office or in the caller’s home. I handle calls and set appointments for all four office locations.
On a new note, I am currently transitioning to the personal injury case manager floor and will soon have a new home here in Goldsboro. My job duties will change to that of working directly with clients to understand their injuries, order medical records and billing, deal with employers on loss of salary information, setting up and concluding health insurance liens (i.e. Medicare, Medicaid, North Carolina State Health Plan and ERISA claims) I am very excited about my new opportunities and can’t wait to transition in the coming weeks.
Background: I started working for Riddle & Riddle as a part-time employee while attending Nursing School at Wayne Community College. I graduated from the program in 2014 and instead of changing professions I chose to remain in the legal field. I am now a full-time employee and continuing to advance within the company.
Why I like working at Riddle & Riddle: I like working with Riddle & Riddle because I deal with a variety of different situations and people every day. No two work days are the same. I also enjoy being someone our potential clients can talk or vent to about their situation.
What I like to do in my free time: I love Carolina Basketball, reading and spending time with my family.