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Raleigh Sexual Abuse Attorneys

If you or someone you love was affected by sexual abuse, you’re not alone. Such experiences can leave deep emotional scars.

At Riddle & Brantley, our Raleigh sexual abuse lawyers are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective legal representation for survivors of sexual abuse.

Our firm has a long-standing commitment to standing up for the rights of individuals in North Carolina, including those who have suffered from sexual abuse. We approach each case with sensitivity, confidentiality, and a deep commitment to achieving justice and compensation for our clients.

Why Choose Riddle & Brantley as Your Raleigh Sexual Abuse Lawyer?

You need to select the right law firm when seeking justice for sexual abuse.

Riddle & Brantley has provided a pillar of support for survivors in North Carolina since 1985, offering:

  • Strategic Location: Our Raleigh office is conveniently located at 4600 Marriott Drive, Suite 500, near the Crabtree Shopping Mall, to ensure easy access for all our clients.
  • Experienced Legal Team: With 11 dedicated attorneys and a strong team of investigators, paralegals, case managers, and support staff, we bring over 220 years of combined legal experience to your case.
  • Proven Track Record: Riddle & Brantley has recovered over $720 million in total compensation for our clients since 2000, demonstrating our commitment to securing the best possible outcomes. See disclaimer below.
  • Client-Centered Approach: We operate on a contingency basis, meaning you pay no attorney fees unless we win your case. Our firm is founded on the belief that “Justice Counts for ALL,” ensuring every client receives personalized and thorough legal representation.
  • Comprehensive Support: From initial consultation to courtroom advocacy, our team handles every aspect of your case, focusing on your recovery while we fight for justice on your behalf.

What Compensation Is Available for Survivors of Sexual Abuse in Raleigh?

Survivors of sexual abuse may be entitled to compensation for:

Medical Expenses

Medical expenses include a wide range of costs incurred as a direct result of seeking treatment and recovery from the trauma of sexual abuse. This includes, but is not limited to, immediate medical care, ongoing therapy, and counseling services.

Survivors often require specialized therapeutic interventions to heal from the psychological and emotional impacts of abuse. The cost of psychiatric treatment, psychological counseling, and any prescribed medications form part of the compensation claim.

This category aims to ensure that survivors are not financially burdened by the costs of their necessary medical treatment and can access the care they need to embark on the path to recovery without concern for the expense.

Pain and Suffering

Compensation for pain and suffering acknowledges the non-economic damages survivors endure, which include the emotional and psychological distress following sexual abuse. This distress can manifest as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), loss of enjoyment of life, and other significant emotional impacts.

Unlike economic damages such as medical bills or lost wages, pain and suffering are subjective and do not have a fixed price tag. However, they are important components of a compensation claim, recognizing the profound and often lasting trauma that survivors experience.

The goal is to provide a measure of relief that acknowledges the deep personal impact of the abuse beyond the immediate physical injuries.

Lost Wages

Survivors of sexual abuse may experience serious disruptions to their professional lives, including absence from work due to physical injuries, emotional distress, or the need to attend legal and medical appointments. Lost wages compensation aims to recover the income that the survivor would have earned had the abuse not occurred. This can include salaries, wages, bonuses, and benefits lost during the recovery period.

In cases where the survivor’s ability to work is permanently affected, compensation can also cover lost earning capacity, addressing the long-term financial impact on the survivor’s career and livelihood. This aspect of compensation ensures that survivors are not economically disadvantaged because of the time needed to heal.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages serve a dual purpose: to punish the perpetrator (and possibly negligent institutions) for their misconduct and to deter similar behavior in the future.

These damages are awarded in addition to compensatory damages (like medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages) and are not directly related to the financial losses suffered by the survivor. Instead, punitive damages are considered in cases where the perpetrator’s actions are found to be particularly heinous, malicious, or egregious.

They send a strong message that such conduct is intolerable and that society, through its legal systems, will impose severe penalties on those who commit such acts.

Not all cases will qualify for punitive damages, as they are subject to specific legal standards and the discretion of the court.

Where Can Sexual Abuse Happen In Raleigh?

Sexual abuse can occur in many settings, including workplaces, schools, homes, and public spaces. Our legal team is experienced in handling cases involving:

Abuse by Individuals in Positions of Trust or Authority

Abuse perpetrated by individuals in positions of trust or authority is particularly egregious due to the betrayal of trust involved. Teachers, coaches, employers, religious leaders, and other authority figures wield significant power and influence over those in their care or under their supervision.

The abuse can take many forms, including sexual, physical, emotional, or psychological, and the impact on survivors can be profound and long-lasting. The dynamics of power and trust in these relationships often make it difficult for survivors to come forward, fearing disbelief, retaliation, or further harm.

Legal cases involving such abuse require a nuanced approach to address the complex power dynamics and the breach of duty of care. Our attorneys work to hold perpetrators accountable while safeguarding the privacy and dignity of survivors.

The legal strategy may involve not only pursuing claims against the individuals responsible but also examining the role of the institutions that may have enabled the abuse or failed to take appropriate action upon learning of the misconduct.

Incidents Occurring in Institutional Settings

Sexual abuse incidents within institutional settings, such as schools, workplaces, and religious organizations, present unique challenges and considerations. These environments should be safe spaces where individuals are protected from harm, but unfortunately, they can also be settings where abuse is perpetrated or concealed.

You can hold institutions liable for their direct role in the abuse or for negligence in failing to prevent, address, or report abuse appropriately.

Legal action in these cases can serve multiple purposes:

  • Providing compensation and justice for survivors.
  • Holding institutions accountable for their failures.
  • Implementing changes to policies and practices to prevent future abuse.

A critical aspect of legal advocacy in these contexts involves uncovering systemic issues that allowed the abuse to occur, such as inadequate background checks, lack of proper reporting mechanisms, or a culture of silence and impunity.

Cases Involving Minors

Cases of abuse involving minors are especially sensitive and demand a high degree of care from legal professionals. Children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable to abuse by adults and peers, and the law provides additional protections for young survivors.

These cases can involve abuse within families, schools, sports organizations, religious institutions, and other settings where children should be safe.

Legal considerations in cases involving minors include the statute of limitations, which may be extended to allow survivors to bring claims after reaching adulthood, and the need for special procedures to protect the minor’s identity and well-being throughout the legal process.

Our attorneys focus on minimizing additional trauma to the young survivor while pursuing justice and compensation. Advocacy might also extend beyond the courtroom to include working with child protection services and advocating for systemic changes to protect other children from similar harm.

In each of these contexts, the goal of legal action is not only to secure justice for the individual survivors but also to effect broader societal change, reinforcing the message that abuse in any form, especially by those in positions of trust and authority, is unacceptable and they will face rigorous legal consequences.

Fighting for Justice Against Perpetrators and Negligent Institutions

Our attorneys are skilled at identifying and holding accountable both perpetrators and institutions that may have enabled or failed to prevent the abuse. We work diligently to gather evidence, secure expert testimony, and build a strong case on your behalf.

Identifying Perpetrators and Negligent Institutions

The first step in fighting for justice in cases of sexual abuse is the identification of both the perpetrators and any institutions that may have been complicit in the abuse. This process involves thorough investigations that can span different settings—schools, workplaces, religious organizations, and more—where abuse might have occurred.

Our attorneys use a range of investigative techniques, including reviewing employment records, examining internal communications, and conducting interviews with witnesses to uncover the truth.

Gathering Comprehensive Evidence

Gathering evidence is a large component of building a strong case against perpetrators and negligent institutions.

This evidence can include but is not limited to, documentation of the abuse (such as emails, texts, or other communications), medical records that document injuries consistent with abuse, psychological evaluations that demonstrate the emotional impact of the abuse, and any prior complaints or reports of misconduct.

In institutional cases, this might also involve uncovering evidence of systemic issues, such as policies that failed to protect victims or practices that enabled abuse to continue unchecked.

Securing Expert Testimony

Expert testimony is often pivotal in sexual abuse cases, offering insights into the nature and impact of the abuse, as well as the institutional failures that allowed it to occur. Experts in fields such as psychology, child development, organizational behavior, and forensic investigation can provide authoritative opinions that strengthen the case.

For example, a psychologist might testify about the long-term psychological effects of abuse on a survivor, while an expert in institutional policies might highlight how an organization’s negligence contributed to the abuse.

Building a Strong Legal Case

With the evidence and expert testimony gathered, our attorneys create a compelling legal case aimed at holding both perpetrators and negligent institutions accountable.

This involves presenting a clear, coherent narrative that links the abuse to the actions (or inactions) of those responsible, demonstrating not only the liability of the individuals involved but also the broader failures that allowed the abuse to occur.

This approach ensures that the legal case addresses both the specific harm suffered by the survivor and the systemic issues that need to be corrected to prevent future abuse.

Advocating for Survivors

Our commitment to survivors extends beyond the courtroom. We advocate for comprehensive settlements or judgments that address the full range of harms suffered by survivors, including compensation for medical treatment, therapy, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

We also support survivors throughout the legal process, offering guidance, resources, and emotional support to help them with the challenges of pursuing justice.

Pushing for Systemic Change

In addition to seeking justice for individual survivors, our legal efforts often aim to effect systemic change within institutions. This can involve negotiating for changes in policies and practices to prevent future abuse, such as implementing more rigorous background checks, establishing clearer reporting and response protocols, and fostering a culture of accountability and transparency.

By holding institutions accountable, we not only seek to remedy past wrongs but also to protect future generations from similar harm.

What to Do if You Survived Sexual Abuse in Raleigh

Taking the first step toward legal action can be the hardest.

Here’s how you can start:

  • Seek Immediate Support: Prioritize your safety and well-being by seeking support from trusted individuals or professional services.
  • Document Your Experience: Keep a detailed record of the abuse and its impact on your life, including any medical treatment or counseling.
  • Consult Our Legal Professionals: Contact a sexual abuse lawyer to discuss your case confidentially and understand your legal options.

Let Riddle & Brantley Guide You Through Your Journey to Justice

At Riddle & Brantley, we understand the courage it takes to come forward after experiencing sexual abuse. Our team is here to support you with compassion, respect, and confidentiality every step of the way. Our Personal injury lawyers in  Raleigh committed to helping you navigate the legal process, aiming to secure the justice and compensation you deserve.

Don’t go through this challenging time alone. Contact us at (919) 876-3020 for your free, confidential consultation. Let our experience, dedication, and compassionate approach make a difference in your journey to healing and justice.

Riddle & Brantley Accident Injury Lawyers

4600 Marriott Drive, Suite 500
Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 876-3020

Click here for directions

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Monday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Tuesday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Wednesday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Thursday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Friday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Saturday – 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Sunday – 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM