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Are There Any Elmiron Alternatives? Potential Eye Damage Drives Search for Options

Riddle Brantley LLP   |  March 25, 2020   |  

Recent studies have uncovered alarming Elmiron side effects including serious eye damage. In the wake of these revelations, some patients are seeking Elmiron alternatives.

Elmiron Alternatives - Riddle & BrantleyElmiron, a bladder medication used to treat pain and discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis, is widely prescribed in the United States. Elmiron is currently the only FDA-approved medication for treating interstitial cystitis.

In addition to seeking Elmiron alternatives, some injured patients are filing Elmiron lawsuits based on potential negligence by the manufacturer, Janssen Pharmaceuticals (a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson).

What alternative medications are available for Elmiron?

IMPORTANT: This article is in no way intended to constitute medical advice. If you take Elmiron and are considering stopping use of the drug and/or taking alternatives, please consult with your prescribing physician.

Is there a generic for Elmiron?

There is no generic alternative for Elmiron bladder medication — at least, not in U.S. pharmacies.

Patients are cautioned that certain online pharmacies may try to illegally sell illegitimate “generic” versions of Elmiron. The FDA cautions that these illegally sold medications can be dangerous and pose serious health risks.

What about other Elmiron alternatives?

The Mayo Clinic lists a number of Elmiron alternative oral medications for potential treatment of interstitial cystitis, including:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications — this class of medications include common pain relievers like ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) and naproxen sodium (Aleve)
  • Tricyclic antidepressants — medications like Tofranil (imipramine) or amitriptyline can help reduce bladder pain
  • Antihistamines — common medications like Claritin (loratadine) may reduce urinary urgency and reduce discomfort and pain associated with interstitial cystitis

A number of other therapies may potentially be used as Elmiron alternatives, according to the Mayo Clinic. These include:

  • Nerve stimulation (such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or TENS, or sacral nerve stimulation)
  • Bladder distention (stretching performed during a surgical procedure called cystoscopy)
  • Bladder instillation (medication like Rimso-50 or dimethyl sulfoxide delivered directly by a catheter in the bladder)

In rare cases, a doctor may recommend surgery as an Elmiron alternative to treat interstitial cystitis. According to the Mayo Clinic, possible surgeries include fulguration, resection and bladder augmentation.

REMEMBER: If you use Elmiron and are concerned about potential side effects including serious retina damage or even blindness, you should consult with your prescribing physician.

Have you suffered eye damage after taking Elmiron bladder medication?

IMPORTANT: As of January 2024, we are no longer investigating or taking new Elmiron cases. 

Elmiron Lawsuit Lawyers - Riddle & BrantleyIf you’ve suffered retinal damage (eye damage) while taking Elmiron for interstitial cystitis, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation.

Potential injuries that may qualify you for an Elmiron lawsuit include:

If the manufacturer or distributor’s negligence resulted in injury, you deserve justice.

Our Elmiron lawsuit lawyers have been fighting to hold potentially negligent drug companies accountable for more than three decades. We’ve obtained hundreds of five, six, and even seven-figure judgments and settlements on behalf of deserving victims (see disclaimer below).

IMPORTANT: As of January 2024, we are no longer investigating or taking new Elmiron cases. 

For a FREE consultation and to see if you qualify for an Elmiron lawsuit, please call 1-800-525-7111 or complete the fast and easy form below.

There is no obligation and you won’t pay any upfront costs or attorney fees unless we win your case and you receive compensation.

Please call 1-800-525-7111 today and let’s review your case.

Our firm was founded on the principle that Justice Counts, and that those whose negligence results in injury deserve to be held accountable.

If you’ve suffered eye damage after taking Elmiron for interstitial cystitis, you may be entitled to compensation.

To speak with an experienced product liability attorney handling Elmiron lawsuits, please call 1-800-525-7111 today.

Justice Counts.

*** Disclaimer: The results mentioned are intended to illustrate the type of cases handled by the firm. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome, and they should not be construed to constitute a promise or guarantee of a particular result in any particular case. Every case is different, and the outcome of any case depends upon a variety of factors unique to that case.