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Greenville Construction Accident Attorneys

When it comes to construction accidents in Greenville, you may find yourself facing numerous challenges and uncertainties. These accidents can lead to devastating injuries, financial burdens, and emotional distress.

That’s why you need the guidance and support of experienced Greenville construction accident attorneys like Riddle & Brantley. With our experience and dedication, we can help you navigate the complexities of your case and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

The Benefits of Working with Our Greenville Construction Accident Attorneys

If you need a quality Greenville construction accident attorney, here are some advantages to hiring our firm.

  1. Experience and Resources: Riddle & Brantley have been serving the Greenville community for years. Our attorneys have extensive experience in this field and are well-versed in the laws and regulations surrounding construction accidents. Our experience allows them to provide you with the best legal representation possible.
  2. Personalized Attention: When you choose Riddle & Brantley, you can expect personalized attention and care throughout your case. We understand that every construction accident is unique and will tailor our approach to your specific needs. We will take the time to listen to your story, gather evidence, and build a strong case on your behalf.
  3. Negotiation Skills: Dealing with insurance companies can be a daunting task, especially when they try to undervalue or deny your claim. Riddle & Brantley have extensive experience in negotiating with insurance companies and will fight to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and emotional distress.

Why You Need to Hire Our Greenville Construction Accident Attorneys

Hiring a Greenville construction accident attorney is essential for several reasons. To begin, we have in-depth knowledge of the laws and regulations governing construction accidents in Greenville. This knowledge is crucial in building a strong case and protecting your rights.

Next, a construction accident attorney will handle construction accidents for injured workers with all the legal complexities on your behalf.

From gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and negotiating with insurance companies, we will take care of every aspect of your case. This allows you to focus on your recovery and rebuild your life after the accident.

Furthermore, a construction accident attorney understands the true value of your claim.

Our legal team will assess the full extent of your injuries, including any long-term medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and potential loss of future earnings. With this information, we can fight for maximum compensation on your behalf.

The Medical and Economical Dangers of Construction Accidents

Construction accidents can have severe medical and economical consequences. These accidents often result in catastrophic injuries, such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, amputations, and fractures.

The physical and emotional pain caused by these injuries can be overwhelming, and the road to recovery may be long and arduous.

In addition to the medical expenses associated with treating these injuries, construction accidents can also lead to substantial financial burdens.

You may be unable to work, resulting in a loss of wages and financial instability. Furthermore, the costs of rehabilitation, therapy, and ongoing medical care can quickly accumulate.

By hiring a Greenville construction accident attorney, you can alleviate some of these burdens.

We will work tirelessly to hold the responsible parties accountable for their negligence and ensure that you receive the compensation necessary to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and future economic losses.

Different Types of Construction Accidents and Injuries

Construction accidents can occur in various forms, each with its own potential for serious injuries.

Some common types of construction accidents include:

  1. Falls: Falls from heights, scaffolding, ladders, or roofs are prevalent in the construction industry and can result in severe injuries or even death.
  2. Electrocutions: Construction sites often have exposed wiring and electrical equipment, increasing the risk of electrocutions.
  3. Struck by Objects: Workers can be struck by falling objects, machinery, tools, or vehicles, leading to traumatic injuries.
  4. Caught in Between: Accidents involving workers getting caught in heavy machinery, trenches, or collapsing structures can cause life-altering injuries.
  5. Repetitive Stress Injuries: Construction workers often perform repetitive tasks that can lead to chronic pain conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or back injuries.

Consult a Greenville construction accident attorney experienced in these accidents to handle your case with the necessary attention to detail.

The Role of a Greenville Construction Accident Attorney

A Greenville construction accident attorney plays a crucial role in advocating for your rights and ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve.

We will:

  1. Investigate the Accident: Your attorney will conduct a thorough investigation into the cause of the accident, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with experts if necessary.
  2. Identify Responsible Parties: Construction accidents often involve multiple parties, including contractors, subcontractors, equipment manufacturers, and property owners. Your attorney will determine who is liable for your injuries and hold them accountable.
  3. Build a Strong Case: Armed with the evidence we have gathered, your attorney will build a strong case on your behalf. Our team will prepare legal documents, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, take your case to court.
  4. Maximize Your Compensation: One of the primary objectives of a Greenville construction accident attorney is to maximize your compensation. Our legal team will assess the full extent of your injuries, calculate your medical expenses and lost wages, and seek damages for your pain and suffering.

How a Construction Accident Attorney Can Maximize Your Compensation

A construction accident attorney can maximize your compensation by employing several strategies:

  1. Thorough Documentation: Your attorney will ensure that all your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages are thoroughly documented. This documentation will serve as evidence of your financial losses and increase your chances of receiving fair compensation.
  2. Expert Testimony: In complex cases, your attorney may consult with medical experts, vocational experts, and economists to provide testimony regarding the long-term impact of your injuries. This expert testimony can strengthen your case and lead to higher compensation.
  3. Negotiation Skills: Insurance companies are notorious for undervaluing or denying valid claims. Your attorney will leverage their negotiation skills to advocate for your rights and ensure that you receive fair compensation. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we will not hesitate to take your case to court.
  4. Emotional Support: Your attorney will provide the support and guidance you need during this emotionally challenging time. We will answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide reassurance throughout the legal process.

The Dangers of Dealing With Insurance Companies

Dealing with insurance companies can be a daunting task, especially when you’re already dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial consequences of a construction accident. Insurance adjusters are trained to minimize payouts and protect the interests of the insurance company. Without proper legal representation, you may find yourself at a disadvantage.

Insurance companies may try various tactics to undervalue or deny your construction accident claim. They may downplay the severity of your injuries, argue that the accident was partially your fault, or delay the claims process to put pressure on you. This can be overwhelming and add unnecessary stress to an already challenging situation.

By hiring a Greenville construction accident attorney, you level the playing field. Your attorney will handle all communication with the insurance company, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

The Process of Working with Riddle & Brantley

  1. Free Consultation: The first step in working with Riddle & Brantley is to schedule a free consultation. During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss the details of your case with an experienced attorney. We will evaluate your case, answer your questions, and provide you with an honest assessment of your legal options.
  2. Investigation and Evidence Gathering: If you decide to proceed with Riddle & Brantley, the next step is to conduct a thorough investigation into your construction accident. This investigation may involve gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, consulting with experts, and reviewing relevant documentation.
  3. Building a Strong Case: Armed with the evidence we have gathered, Riddle & Brantley will build a strong case on your behalf. We will prepare legal documents, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if necessary, take your case to court.
  4. Maximizing Your Compensation: Throughout the process, Riddle & Brantley will work tirelessly to maximize your compensation. Our team will assess the full extent of your injuries, calculate your medical expenses and lost wages, and seek damages for your pain and suffering.
  5. Communication and Updates: Riddle & Brantley understand the importance of clear communication and regular updates. Your attorney will keep you informed about the progress of your case, answer your questions promptly, and provide the support and guidance you need.

Proving Fault and Negligence

To recover compensation for your construction accident injuries, you need a lawyer who can establish fault and negligence.

This can involve the liability and insurance companies for contractors, subcontractors, architects, engineers, and equipment manufacturers.

Our Greenville construction accident attorneys have the skills and resources to investigate your accident thoroughly and determine who should be held responsible for your injuries.

To prove fault and negligence in a construction accident case, we will gather evidence such as accident reports, witness statements, photographs, and expert opinions. We will also examine safety records, construction plans, and compliance with local building codes and regulations.

By building a strong case, we demonstrate that the responsible parties failed to uphold their duty of care, leading to your injuries.

Never Handle Your Own Construction Accident Case

Attempting to handle your own construction accident case can have serious consequences. Without proper legal knowledge and experience, you may unknowingly jeopardize your rights and miss out on the compensation you deserve.

Insurance companies are well-versed in the legal complexities surrounding construction accidents and will take advantage of any opportunity to undervalue or deny your claim.

By hiring a Greenville construction accident attorney, you are ensuring that your rights are protected and that you have the best chance of receiving fair compensation.

We will handle all the legal aspects of your case, allowing you to focus on your recovery and rebuilding your life after the accident.


Can I afford to hire a Greenville construction accident attorney?

  • Riddle & Brantley offer a free consultation and work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don’t have to pay any upfront fees, and we only get paid if we win your case. Our fees are a percentage of your settlement amount.

How long do I have to file a construction accident claim in Greenville?

  • North Carolina’s statute of limitations generally gives you three years after the accident to file a personal injury claim. However, it’s best to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure that you meet all the necessary deadlines.

Get Your Free Consultation from Our Greenville Construction Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one have been injured in a construction accident in Greenville, don’t hesitate to reach out to Riddle & Brantley for your free consultation. Our experienced team of Personal injury lawyers in Greenville is ready to fight for your rights and help you navigate through the complexities of your case.

Remember, time is of the essence, so contact Riddle & Brantley today at (252) 397-8620 and take the first step toward obtaining the compensation you deserve.

Riddle & Brantley Accident Injury Lawyers

509 Evans St.
Greenville, NC 27858
Phone: (252) 397-8620

By Appointment Only.

Click here for directions.

Hours of Operation*

Monday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Tuesday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Wednesday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Thursday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Friday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Saturday – 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Sunday – 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM