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Greenville Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

Greenville is an ideal residence for explorers, with attractions like River Park North, the Pitt County Arboretum, and the annual Dogwood Festival in April, and that’s just the beginning of the journey. In this sunlit haven of the Carolinas, excitement awaits around every corner.

Possible hazards come with every exploration, however. Whether it’s the inherent dangers or the bustling crowds and upkeep of adventure venues, there’s an increased risk of traumatic brain injury involved.

If you or someone you loved sustained a traumatic brain injury, or TBI, caused by someone’s negligence, a skilled Greenville TBI attorney at Riddle & Brantley can assist you in regaining control of your life and pursuing the justice you deserve.

Why Choose Our Greenville, NC, TBI Lawyer?

At Riddle & Brantley, we see ourselves as more than a law firm in North Carolina personal injury; we are a compassionate team dedicated to standing by those affected by accidents or grieving a devastating loss due to negligence.

Most important, our mission is to offer compassionate legal representation, warmth, and unwavering support, ensuring every client feels valued and understood through every step of their legal journey.

  • Our Mission and Values: Boasting several decades of collective legal experience, our attorneys bring a heartfelt commitment to justice and improving the lives of our clients.

We are devoted to obtaining the most favorable outcomes for your case and building relationships built on trust, empathy, and respect. Our dedication is the cornerstone of our practice, allowing us to make meaningful, lasting connections with those we serve.

  • Our Approach: We staunchly believe in the justice system’s ability to offer fair and equitable access to all. As licensed personal injury lawyers in North Carolina, our purpose is to advocate fiercely for your rights, ensuring your voice is heard in the quest for justice, especially in the face of daunting challenges like severe injuries or the loss of a family member. We stand as your voice against the might of insurance firms.
  • Our Presence: Our firm is embedded in North Carolina life and customs. With offices in Raleigh, Goldsboro, Jacksonville, and Kinston, we reflect the hardworking spirit and dedication of our founder, Gene Riddle, and his North Carolinian heritage. We take pride in representing clients throughout the state and visitors from other states hurt here.
  • Our Team: Our team comprises 11 attorneys, including Board Certified Workers’ Compensation specialists and members of esteemed legal forums, all supported by skilled paralegals, case managers, and investigators. With many of our staff being bilingual, we ensure that language is never a barrier to justice.

We’re here for you 24/7, ready to assist whenever you need us.

  • Community and Commitment: Our dedication goes well beyond the courtroom. We are committed to enriching our communities and advocating for safety, demonstrated through initiatives like our Safety Counts videos. Participating in local fundraisers and events underlines our commitment to the health and safety of North Carolinians.

At Riddle & Brantley, you will find attorneys, compassionate advocates, a supportive network, and partners in your pursuit of justice. See disclaimer below.

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury Under North Carolina Law?

TBIs can result from falls, vehicle-related collisions, sports injuries, and assaults.

The effects of a TBI can vary significantly depending on the part of the brain affected and the severity of the injury.

They can include physical effects (such as headaches, dizziness, and fatigue), cognitive effects (such as difficulties with attention, memory, and executive functions), emotional and behavioral changes (such as mood swings, depression, and anxiety), and sensory symptoms (such as problems with vision, hearing, or touch).

Treatment for TBI depends on the severity of the injury. More severe injuries might necessitate hospitalization, rehabilitation, and long-term care strategies to manage the physical, cognitive, and emotional effects.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) TBI data shows that traumatic brain injuries hospitalize roughly 223,135 each year and cause 64,362 fatalities.

These figures do not encompass every traumatic brain injury case treated in emergency rooms, primary care settings, urgent care facilities, or those that go untreated.

What Are the Most Common Causes of TBI in Pitt County?

A brain injury can be the result of an accident on the playground, a bad fall at work, or even a car accident. There are many ways this injury might occur.

The most common causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI) include:

  1. Falls: This is the leading cause of TBI, especially in older adults and young children. Falls can occur from slipping, tripping, or falling from a height (e.g., ladders, beds, or stairs).
  2. Motor Vehicle-Related Collisions: Accidents involving cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians can cause TBIs ranging from mild concussions to severe brain damage.
  3. Violence: Acts of violence, such as gunshot wounds, domestic violence, child abuse, and assaults, are significant causes of TBI. Shaken baby syndrome is a form of TBI caused by violently shaking an infant, leading to brain damage.
  4. Sports Injuries: Contact sports (e.g., football, boxing, hockey, soccer) and high-impact or extreme sports (e.g., skateboarding, snowboarding) contribute to many TBIs among adolescents and young adults.
  5. Explosive Blasts and Combat Injuries: Military personnel are at risk of TBI, mainly because of explosive devices, blasts, and combat injuries in war zones.
  6. Struck By/Against Events: These injuries occur when a person’s head strikes or is struck by an object, such as walking into a door frame, being hit by falling objects, or bumping into stationary objects.

The distribution of these causes can vary based on factors like age, activity at the time of injury, and socioeconomic status.

Understanding the Complex Nature of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are profoundly complex and can affect individuals and their families in profound ways.

These injuries include:

  1. Concealed Brain Trauma (CBT): Often invisible to the naked eye, concealed brain trauma occurs without any visible damage to the skull. This type of injury can be incredibly challenging because it results from the brain moving rapidly or forcefully within the skull, leading to internal tearing, bruising, and bleeding.

These injuries can be notably perplexing and problematic for both the individual and their loved ones, as they require the keen expertise of medical professionals to accurately identify and assess the extent of the damage. Prompt and precise diagnosis is critical in developing an effective treatment plan to support recovery and rehabilitation.

  1. Invasive Brain Trauma (IBT): This category includes injuries where the skull has been penetrated, such as those caused by gunshot wounds. These are gravely serious injuries that often result from highly traumatic events, demanding immediate and comprehensive medical care.

The journey to recovery for those affected by invasive brain trauma is often long and challenging, requiring the dedicated efforts of a team of specialists, including neurosurgeons, trauma experts, and rehabilitation therapists, to support the individual through their rehabilitation.

Recognizing the distinctions between these types of brain injuries is crucial for ensuring the delivery of appropriate medical care and understanding the legal implications that may arise from such injuries.

The path to recovery is a personal and often challenging journey, and understanding the nuances of these injuries is a vital step in providing the support and compassion needed to navigate this complicated process.

Navigating the Journey Through Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms

A traumatic brain injury is an incredibly daunting and personal journey, as the effects and symptoms can differ significantly from one person to another.

The injury’s severity influences these differences, the specific areas of the brain affected, and everyone’s unique response to the injury.

For those facing a TBI or concussion, symptoms might include:

  • Persistent headaches
  • Feelings of confusion or disorientation
  • Challenges with memory and concentration
  • Dizziness or a sense of imbalance
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Increased sensitivity to lights and sounds
  • Overwhelming fatigue
  • Mood swings or irritability
  • A ringing sensation in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Altered sleep patterns, including insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Blurred vision
  • A change in the ability to taste or smell
  • Loss of consciousness, lasting from a few minutes to several hours
  • Intense headaches that don’t improve or worsen over time
  • Convulsions or seizures
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Deep confusion
  • Weakness or numbness in limbs
  • Continuous nausea or vomiting
  • Leakage of clear fluids from the nose or ears
  • Unequal pupil sizes or pupils that don’t respond to light
  • Behavioral changes, such as increased agitation
  • In the most severe cases, a coma

If you or someone you know shows signs of these more severe symptoms, seek medical help. Such symptoms can signal a significant injury to the brain that requires prompt and careful attention.

Please remember that you’re not alone on this journey. A community of care and support is ready to help you navigate the challenges of a TBI, offering the understanding, medical care, and rehabilitation support you need to move forward.

How Can Our Experienced TBI Attorneys Help You?

An experienced traumatic brain injury attorney can help individuals and families navigating the aftermath of a TBI.

Our skilled legal professionals understand the complexities of TBI cases and are equipped to provide support and advocacy in several crucial areas:

  1. Experience in TBI Cases: TBI attorneys deeply understand traumatic brain injuries’ medical, legal, and personal challenges. They have experience working with medical experts, understanding the nuances of TBIs, and how these injuries can impact every aspect of a person’s life.
  2. Securing Compensation: One of the primary roles of a TBI attorney is to help secure compensation for the injured party. This can include medical expenses (both current and future), lost wages, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and other damages. An experienced attorney will know how to quantify these losses accurately and fight for the maximum compensation.
  3. Navigating Insurance Claims: Dealing with insurance companies can overwhelm you, especially when recovering from a TBI. An attorney can manage all communications with insurance companies, ensuring that claims are filed correctly and efficiently, and advocate for the full benefits and compensation you deserve.
  4. Litigation Experience: A TBI attorney is prepared to take the case to court if a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations. They have the litigation experience to represent your interests aggressively and effectively in a trial, compellingly presenting evidence of the TBI’s impact on your life.
  5. Access to Resources: Experienced TBI attorneys have access to a network of medical professionals, accident reconstruction experts, and other specialists who can provide critical support for your case. These experts can testify on the extent of the injury, its impact on your life, and the care and support you will need moving forward.
  6. Advocacy and Support: TBI attorneys offer personal support and advocacy beyond the legal aspects. They understand TBIs’ emotional and psychological stress and can guide you through the legal process with compassion and understanding, ensuring that you feel heard and supported.
  7. Protecting Your Rights: A TBI attorney protects your rights throughout the legal process. They can help ensure that you are treated fairly by all parties involved and that any settlement or verdict reflects the true extent of your injuries and losses.

By partnering with an experienced TBI attorney, individuals and their families can focus on the recovery and rehabilitation process, knowing that their legal and financial interests are being professionally managed.

Let our Personal injury attorney in Greenville handle the legal aspects of your case while you focus on your recovery. Call us today at (252) 397-8620 for your free consultation and take the first step toward obtaining the justice and compensation you deserve.

Riddle & Brantley Accident Injury Lawyers

509 Evans St.
Greenville, NC 27858
Phone: (252) 397-8620

By Appointment Only.

Click here for directions.

Hours of Operation*

Monday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Tuesday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Wednesday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Thursday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Friday – 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Saturday – 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Sunday – 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM