No amount of justice is too much for a survivor of sexual abuse. While we often think of the criminal justice system as the primary remedy for victims of sexual crimes and misconduct, the civil justice system can help just as much.
A Greensboro sexual abuse lawyer from Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers will fight for financial recovery for you and as a means of holding the perpetrators accountable for their crimes.
Our attorneys know the trauma that comes with sexual abuse so that we will extend boundless compassion to you. At the same time, we will take a no-nonsense approach towards those who owe you compensation. Call Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers today for your free, no-risk consultation.
Table of Contents
- Who Has Grounds for a Sexual Abuse Lawsuit or Claim in Greensboro?
- Why You Can Trust Riddle & Riddle Injury Lawyerss with Your Sensitive, High-Stakes Case
- We Often Sue Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse in Greensboro
- Our Lawyers Take the Challenges of Your Case Out of Your Hands
- Damages We May Include in Your Greensboro Sexual Abuse Case
- Call Riddle & Riddle Injury Lawyerss Today for Your Free Consultation
Who Has Grounds for a Sexual Abuse Lawsuit or Claim in Greensboro?
North Carolina statutes detail several sexual offenses, each of which may lead you to file a sexual abuse lawsuit.

These offenses include:
- First- and second-degree forcible rape
- Statutory rape of a child by an adult
- First-degree statutory rape
- Statutory rape of a person who is 15 years of age or younger
- Forcible sexual offense
- Statutory sexual offense with a child by an adult
- Sexual activity by a substitute parent or custodian
- Sexual activity with a student
- Sexual battery
- Sexual contact or penetration under the pretext of medical treatment
Unwanted touching, penetration, molestation, and any other form of sexual abuse are clear grounds to file a lawsuit. Such sexual aggression is a type of intentional tort that warrants legal action by the victim.
You may also pursue a lawsuit if you are the victim of non-criminal sexual misconduct. This may include harassment, unwanted propositioning, sex-based discrimination, or another type of sexual impropriety resulting in harm.
If you have any questions about your eligibility to pursue civil action, call Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers today.
Why You Can Trust Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers with Your Sensitive, High-Stakes Case
North Carolina has taken several tangible measures to expand and reinforce the rights of sexual abuse survivors. Many of these measures relate to criminal cases, so it will be up to your lawyer to ensure a fair outcome through the civil justice system.
You must be confident in your choice of a Greensboro sexual abuse lawyer, and you should place our firm at the top of your list because:
Our Attorneys Meet the Unique Demands of Sexual Abuse Cases

Sexual abuse cases are not for the faint-hearted or the inexperienced.
When you hire a Greensboro sexual abuse attorney from our firm, trust that your attorney is:
- Emotionally and psychologically equipped to manage the content and demands of your case
- Determined to shield you from the distress that often comes with sexual abuse cases (this is one of the primary benefits of having an attorney)
- Wholly compassionate, as sexual abuse survivors deserve a respectful, empathetic attorney
- Ready to resolve your case as efficiently as possible, as we know you want to move forward from this chapter in your life as soon as possible
Our lawyers must meet a high bar just to become part of our firm. We will partner you with the lawyer whose record, training, and caseload suits them to do your case justice.
Our Record of Results Stands Against Any Law Firm
Case results are one of the defining features of any law firm. Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers has a record that looms large, as we have secured more than $800 million for clients in the past quarter century.
You can review our case results and see the many multi-million-dollar settlements and verdicts we have obtained for deserving clients.
Our Sexual Abuse Lawyers Bring Decades of Experience to Your Case
You may rest easy knowing that our lawyers have represented many survivors of sexual abuse throughout North Carolina.
Because our lawyers have resolved cases like yours in Greensboro and elsewhere, we:
- Know the types of defendants common to sexual abuse cases
- Understand the bar for proving liability in sexual abuse cases
- Have relationships with experts who may contribute to your case
- Honor the highly sensitive nature of your case and your right to be protected from the details of the lawsuit or claim
- Anticipate potential challenges that we may encounter during your case
Collectively, our attorneys have more than 220 years of legal experience. Our attorneys collaborate to provide the best legal services we can, and you will have the full weight of our firm behind your case.
Our Former Clients Explain That We’re Not Your Average Law Firm
We would be selling ourselves short if we did not refer you to accounts from our former clients. These accounts detail a law firm that puts clients’ interests above all, works urgently to close cases, and exhausts all available legal options to secure excellent outcomes for sexual abuse victims (and other clients).
We Often Sue Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse in Greensboro

Insurance often excludes coverage for intentional acts. Therefore, even if the person who abused you has some kind of insurance that might otherwise cover them, the intentional act of engaging in sexual misconduct may expose the perpetrator to direct financial liability.
Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers are familiar with sexual abuse lawsuits, which:
- Are often the most effective way of getting justice for clients like you (outside of the criminal justice system)
- Often have a statute of limitations that requires us to file your case as soon as possible (and should compel you to hire us as soon as you can)
- Require significant time and effort, which our team is eager to provide for you
- Can lead to trial, which may extend the timeline for completing your case but can be worthwhile
Sexual abuse affects both genders and our firm fights for all survivors of abuse in Greensboro. As a survivor, you must focus on healing. Allow a Greensboro sexual abuse attorney from Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers to handle your claim or lawsuit from start to finish.
In Some Cases, We Seek Compensation from Insurance Providers
When someone commits sexual abuse, the perpetrator is often not the only one liable for the victim’s damages.
For instance, potential defendants in a Greensboro sexual abuse case include:
- An organization that hired someone with a history of sexual abuse
- An organization that failed to disclose the presence of a sexual abuser to the individuals the abuser interacted with
- Any employer whose employee committed sexual misconduct
- Any other party whose negligence allowed you to suffer sexual abuse
Some organizations have sexual abuse and molestation liability insurance. This means we may seek compensation from a liable organization’s insurance provider.
Our firm fully uses all available strategies. We may seek compensation from multiple parties and use multiple tactics to do so.
Our Lawyers Take the Challenges of Your Case Out of Your Hands
Completing a sexual abuse case requires sustained effort, technical legal knowledge, and urgency. Your case will also require substantial resources that Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers will provide at no direct cost to you.
While you receive any necessary treatment and work to move forward with your life, our team serving Greensboro will:
Identify Those Who Owe You Compensation
Our team will identify everyone who owes you compensation, including the person who abused you. We will determine whether to seek compensation from the liable parties’ insurance companies or directly through a lawsuit.
Detail Liable Parties’ Negligence and Intentional Wrongdoing
Your attorney serving Greensboro will secure all evidence of:
- Negligence by parties that allowed the abuse to occur (such as hiring or failing to monitor someone with a history of sexual misconduct)
- The sexual abuse that is the basis of your lawsuit which may require us to collaborate with law enforcement officials
Our lawyers understand the types of evidence that support sexual abuse cases. Let us gather this evidence as soon as possible by hiring Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers immediately.
Document the Harm Resulting from the Sexual Abuse

The trauma of sexual abuse is complex.
We will trace the effects of your abuse to all of its symptoms in your life, and we may prove your damages with:
- All medical records related to the abuse
- Any medical records detailing symptoms of abuse, such as cardiovascular events related to stress
- Mental health professionals’ records detailing your abuse-related pain and suffering
- Income records, bank statements, and employer testimony detailing the professional fallout resulting from the sexual abuse
- Your own account of how the perpetrator’s heinous actions (and liable parties’ negligence) have negatively affected your life
We will obtain such documentation while ensuring your privacy and rights. Once we have finished building your case, we will leave no doubt about the nature of your damages.
Establish Your Case Value
You know that being abused has had a substantial negative impact on your life. It’s our job as your legal counselors to put specific financial figures to that impact.
The cost of abuse-related damages can depend on:
- The specific circumstances surrounding the abuse (including who the abuser was and for how long the abuse occurred)
- Your unique psychological and emotional response to the abuse
- The degree to which symptoms of abuse affect you professionally
- The specific types of medical and mental health treatment you need to treat symptoms of abuse
At Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers, we tailor our strategies and services to each client. Our valuation of your damages will be based on the unique details of your case, which is independent of all other sexual abuse cases.
Negotiate Your Settlement

Each subsequent step (like gathering evidence and documenting your damages) will lead to settlement negotiations. Whether we are negotiating with the insurance company representing a negligent organization or the civil defense lawyer for a sexual abuse attorney, we will negotiate like your case is our most important.
Negotiating a fair settlement for a sexual abuse survivor generally requires:
- Presenting evidence of the abuse (though the abuser may admit to their wrongdoing, particularly if they have been convicted)
- Showing all available documentation of your abuse-related damages
- Explaining how we calculated the value of each of your damages
- Setting forth our settlement demands
They call them settlement negotiations, but we don’t plan to give any ground. We will enter settlement talks knowing exactly how much money you are entitled to, which is exactly how much compensation we will demand from liable parties.
Lead Any Lawsuit or Trial You Pursue in Greensboro
Perpetrators of sexual abuse and other liable parties do not always take accountability. Insurance companies do not always offer fair settlements.
If we need to file a lawsuit or take your case to trial, you’re in good hands with Riddle & Riddle. We employ proven litigators who are just as capable in court as they are negotiating a settlement.
Damages We May Include in Your Greensboro Sexual Abuse Case
As you know well, sexual abuse creates a web of trauma that extends through every aspect of your life. The healing process often takes decades, if not longer. It’s our responsibility to secure compensation that aids in your recovery while holding the perpetrator and other liable parties accountable.

We will create a personalized record of your damages, which may include:
- Pain and suffering
- Lost quality of life
- Counseling and other treatments for the effects of the abuse
- Medical expenses
- Lost income
- Any other economic or non-economic harm caused by the abuser and those who allowed the abuse
Our team serving Greensboro intends to get a full financial recovery for you.
We Will Represent You Without Any Upfront or Out-of-Pocket Fees
As your attorneys, it’s our duty to make your life better. We begin by helping you avoid financial stress, as we don’t ask for any upfront or out-of-pocket compensation from you. Your Greensboro sexual abuse attorney will only earn their fee if they secure a settlement or verdict for you.
Call Riddle & Riddle Accident Injury Lawyers Today for Your Free Consultation
Our team generally faces deadlines for filing sexual abuse cases in Greensboro. Please don’t wait to contact our team today at (336) 516-9066 about hiring your lawyer.